“We Come With A Life Plan”

He defines himself as a spiritual scientist and reminds us of the importance of intuition. Ensures that we can create our reality and that we survive physical death
Square Goswani

He is a physicist and is considered one of the pioneering scientists of the new paradigm that unites quantum physics and consciousness. It became known worldwide as a result of the documentary ¿Y tú qué saber !?

Interview with Amit Goswami, the spiritual scientist

How did you become interested in spiritual matters?
I was a materialistic scientist. But one day something very special happened to me. I had been invited to give a lecture, it had not gone well, I was jealous of my colleagues. At night, after dinner, he was still jealous. I was with them, in the middle of a party. They congratulated them, not me. I went to the beach, alone, by the sea. And I heard a voice telling me that I had to change my life. He couldn’t be so attached to success and professional recognition. It was then, when I heard that voice, when I had a spiritual experience, that it became clear to me that I had to include spirituality in my way of seeing the world. And from being a materialistic scientist I became a spiritual scientist.

His materialistic scientific colleagues were not to applaud him.
There are many scientists who still want to be in control, and who consider themselves like the old medieval priests: with all the power. They do not accept that today knowledge, and therefore power, is in the hands of the people. That everyone can create their own reality.

Does a person who experiences misfortunes also “create their reality”?
We all go through bad times. I can only say that playing the victim doesn’t help. My advice to these people is that, without pressure, step out of their role as victims.

I heard a voice telling me that I had to change my life and include spirituality. I couldn’t be so attached to success

What do you mean by “creating reality”?
Reality manifests itself in the presence of the observer. The quantum point of view tells us that the world is possibility. We are not limited, we are not machines, we can choose. Connected to the domain of possibility, we can create our reality. But not from our ego, from our self, but from consciousness, which is one.

How can we access this awareness?
Lowering the rhythm and then listening to our intuition.

We find it difficult to follow intuition.
Due to the limitations imposed by the rational mind. Intuition has to do with feeling, not thinking.

Where can we start?
By looking at our body. Stimulating the heart chakra, coordinating it with the solar plexus, so that we integrate the masculine and feminine in us. Women have more developed heart energy, men the solar plexus chakra. Women are used to giving, to wanting unconditionally. And men tend to have a closed heart chakra: they are afraid of being vulnerable. But if we are able to harmonize the two energies, our true identity appears in the heart, and we are able to follow the intuition without filtering it with thoughts.

If we are able to harmonize the feminine and masculine energy, the true identity appears in the heart

Do we need to follow the heart more?
Definitely. In addition, in this era of misinformation, we send wasaps without even feeling in our hearts the kiss we are sending or the phrase “I love you”.

Returning to the Law of Attraction, there was a time when it seemed that by visualizing our desires we could achieve everything.
There is truth in the Law of Attraction, but only in the archetypes, which are objects of the supramental world. I can attract into my life archetypes of beauty, love, goodness, justice … But nothing to do with material things, such as cars or possessions.

Can you argue a bit more about the archetypes?
We come into the world with some duties, with some tasks. A life plan, a learning plan, that is related to an archetype that we have to explore. Beauty, for example.

It is something very ephemeral.
We are talking about intangible things. Love, for example. When we see love in the person we love and compare it with the love we felt for that same person a few months, years ago, we realize that it is always a new experience.

We come into the world with learning tasks related to an archetype; beauty, for example

How to make it permanent?
Through manifestation in us. Not necessarily through romantic love. We can lead a life dedicated to the archetype of love, to give ourselves to others, just as Gandhi or Teresa of Calcutta did. An archetype, by the way, is what is reincarnated.

You are a scientist. Are you talking about reincarnation?
There is a science of reincarnation. And quantum physics tells us what exactly is reincarnated: the learning that we have done in this life. Our capacity to love would be in this case. Our character, to put it another way.

In other words, according to you, don’t we die completely?
Our physical body dies, but the character survives physical death. It is the non-locality of quantum memory. Without quantum physics, we cannot understand this type of memory.

Quantum physics, therefore, is revolutionary.
Definitely. It is telling us that we are all one. If we are able to access the state of consciousness in which we are all one, at that level of potential everything is possible. Our ancestors didn’t just look like a physical body.

And you and I, now what are we?
We are much more. We are also a subtle body, to which we should give more importance. The manifested, that is, what we see and touch, has an order that comes from the unmanifested. And many diseases come from the subtle. Fortunately, each time medicine is contemplating that subtle energy, which is not less real because it cannot be seen. There is already technology to measure it, such as GDV.

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