Watch Out! Everything You Think Affects Others

Thoughts are electromagnetic signals and we are like athens that emit and receive them. Every thought is the seed of a possible reality.
thinking brain affects others

Can thoughts be “read”? Yes. They are electromagnetic signals and, if we are in tune, we are like antennas that can send and receive them. So, be careful what you think, because reality is built from our thoughts, they are the first seed.

How do your thoughts affect others?

“Do not do to others what you do not want them to do to you” is one of the so-called golden rules of coexistence. But I think this sentence has already fallen short. I would say:

“You have to think of others as we would like others to think of us.”

And it is that thoughts not only affect the one who thinks, but also the rest of the people (and the environment).

Can they be measured?

How can a thought in my mind affect others? We have to start by remembering what a thought is.

We could say that a thought is the activity of the mind itself, or a product of the mind. As the definition is difficult and is not without nuances and discussions, let’s get down to business: Can a thought be measured?

Perhaps not in itself, but mental activity does. We know that the EEG allows us to obtain a record of brain activity.

And we also know that this brain activity has an electromagnetic component. Not only can it be measured, but by analyzing that signal we can see if the person is relaxed or mentally very active.

Functional Magnetic Resonance also allows us to assess which parts of the brain are active during different mental states. And Professor Korotkov, from the University of Saint Petersburg, claims to have measured with GDV (Bio-Well) technology the moment in which a thought leaves a person and how that same “energy package” reaches another person simultaneously , when both are separated by thousands of kilometers.

Can you “read” your thoughts?

Science allows us to explain and draw conclusions from these observations. Many studies on telepathy, remote viewing and other unexplained phenomena have been carried out in different Russian universities, although we know very little about them here.

What we do know, without a doubt, is that this mental activity (let’s call it thoughts) can be registered as an electromagnetic signal.

From that premise, it is possible to easily understand that it can be transmitted, sent, received and even stored. We continuously do operations with them: radio broadcasts, mobile telephony, etc.

Now, one thing is that we can measure or record a signal, analyze it, classify it, emit it … and another thing is that that signal is capable of modifying something in the environment. In order to understand this second part, we must remember that human beings are not only “biochemical bags” that walk and think, but we can also be considered as “antennas”.

The resonance: we are tuned

An antenna is a device capable of emitting and receiving information. And it does so by the phenomenon called “resonance”. Depending on the geometry of the antenna, it is capable of receiving certain frequencies, of tuning in with certain information.

If we understand that the human being is also an antenna (transmitter and receiver), then the hypothesis that the thoughts of others can affect us makes sense , since we can tune in to them (consciously or unconsciously).

This concept has been developed by various scientists.

One of the best known is the French doctor in physics Jean Pierre Garnier Malet, who postulates a theory that challenges the knowledge of the majority science. The theory of the doubling of time (published between 1998 and 2014) provides many novelties.

Above all, it allows us to explain the mechanism of thoughts and how to make the best use of intuitions, instincts and premonitions.

The author insists that thoughts create potentials: every time we think about a situation consciously (with visualizations or meditating) or unconsciously (thoughts that “come” to our mind without being called), we are somehow sowing the seed for that thought becomes a reality.

If every time I think of someone with concern, I am sowing that reality, that is not exactly a help for the other person.

We know the phenomenon of resonance. Like attracts like in a way.

If we sound a string of a violin and there is another violin the same next to it, the corresponding string of the other violin will start to vibrate as well.

If we have been emitting thoughts of a certain “frequency”, whoever is tuned to that frequency will receive them.

Moreover, they are going to be somehow registered in the “environment”, so that they are going to transform the reality of that place.

Thinking the collective reality

Everyone’s thoughts are what create both personal and collective realities. According to the French physicist,

“The law of the times is simple: if no one on Earth thought about killing, there would be no potential future murderer.”

This postulate fits perfectly with the one proposed by Rupert Sheldrake on morphic fields.

This author considers that there is a “space” where everything that has happened in the past is memorized, a self-organized system that is a memory principle in nature.

In this field every thought and every action is recorded, being available to be received when someone “resonates”, that is, he is tuning in to that same frequency.

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