Walking Or Running: What Is Best For You?

Walking and running are two easy ways to exercise. Choosing one or the other will depend on our physical condition and the desired objectives.
Walk or run

Although the same distance is covered by walking and running, the effects on the body are different. The same calories are not burned, the muscles are not exercised in the same way, and the circulatory and respiratory systems do not reach similar levels of effort.

Walk or run, which is better?

Deciding to walk or run will depend on your physical condition and the goals you want to achieve.


Walking is more appropriate than running for most people, especially as age increases. It can be done without the need to dress in sportswear or take a shower when you get home. On the other hand, the risk of injury is much lower.

To be beneficial, it is advisable to walk at a brisk pace. A daily walk of 30-45 minutes reduces the risk of suffering from cancer, Alzheimer’s or diabetes, among other diseases.

To run

Running takes, on average, twice as many calories as walking to cover the same distance.

Choosing one way or another to burn calories depends on your physical condition and, above all, on whether you also want to train your heart and lungs. In this case running is the best option.

Constancy and moderation

These are the keys to success. Good health is achieved by practicing moderate exercise continuously and not exhausting yourself for a day and taking a week to recover.

As important as the distance covered is to do it regularly. That is why it is convenient to create a routine, set goals, alternate several routes and record progress.

When running, take care of your knees

If your choice is to run, you should keep the following in mind to avoid injury:

  • Warm up: strengthen cartilage with gentle exercises before you start running.
  • Rest: especially if you run on hard surfaces. Stop feeling overloaded.
  • Hydrate yourself: drink before and after. It is essential for the delicate tissues of the joint.
  • Get Strong – Work your quads, calves, and hamstrings, which support your knees.
  • Stretch: Before you start and when you finish, do several stretching exercises.

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