Understanding And Preventing Diabetes

Lack of physical activity and a diet too rich in refined flours can favor its onset
Prevent diabetes

In Spain it affects 7% of the population and one in five people will be diabetic from 65 years of age. Therefore, it is important to know what it is and do not forget that developing or not developing type II diabetes, the most common, depends to a large extent on lifestyle.

There are two types of diabetes: type I appears at an early age and is characterized by the total absence of insulin, which requires injecting it. The cause is assumed to be autoimmune or genetic, and accounts for 5-10% of diabetes. Type II occurs in 80-85% of cases. The body makes insulin but it is not effective or sufficient. It appears from the age of 45 or 50, although it is diagnosed at an increasingly early age.

1. Watch the weight

Avoid obesity and being overweight. And for this it is crucial to follow a balanced diet, do not abuse fast-absorbing carbohydrates, as they cause a sharper increase in blood glucose, that is, they have a high glycemic index and therefore cause a greater release of insulin. Sugary drinks, pastries and, in general, foods rich in sugar should be limited as much as possible. Large meals also make the pancreas work harder.

2. Follow the Mediterranean diet

In general, you should follow the well-known guidelines of the Mediterranean diet (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and olive oil), as well as moderate alcoholic beverages, salt and processed foods to the maximum.

3. Exercise and avoid sedentary lifestyle

Just walking an hour every day is already a good preventive. Walking, like other types of exercises, consumes glucose and therefore prevents and improves its excessive presence in the blood.

Symptoms that can alert you

The high level of glucose in the blood and the fact that it does not get into the cells are manifested in several ways.

· Feeling of hunger: it may be that you have more appetite, because somehow the cells are not “nourished”.

· More thirst: the body eliminates excess glucose in the urine along with water, which causes more diuresis and more thirst.

· Weight loss: in the long run, drinking more water and going to the bathroom leads to weight loss and fatigue.

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