To Love Well

To love is to intrinsically respect what the other person is. Although in that go what you decide does not suit you. Rejoice in the fact that he is happy. That it goes well. Although in that good you are no longer alone you and all the time you.
love well

Our partners are not our saviors.
They are not people who owe us anything.
Everything they do, they do it because they love us.
We cannot demand that they have no concerns beyond us.
Because that’s like not living.

Our couples have desires and contradictions.
They are human beings.
They do not belong to us.

There are things about them that do not concern us just as there are things about us that do not concern them.
We cannot hog it all.
Demand everything.

Our partners are not excuses for us not to feel alone.
They are not our “mothers.”
They do not have to “solve” for us the things that concern us.

Caring does not go through doing the other’s thing: it goes through sharing what is both of them.
Our partners are not slaves of love.
We cannot blackmail them into abandoning them if they don’t do what we want.

That’s not love.
Because love is, first and foremost, freedom.
But not lip service.

Intrinsically respect what the other person is.
Although in that go what you decide does not suit you.
Rejoice in the fact that he is happy.
That it goes well.
Although in that good you are no longer alone you and all the time you.

Loving is a question of generosity.
To want the best for the other.
To share the path without demanding that the path that you decide for both be followed.

Our partners are not pets.
They are not there to keep us company.

They are to live their lives.
Lives we are a part of, yes.
But of which we should not be the center, the end and the whole.
Because love is not a goal.
Love is day by day.

Love is staying when you could perfectly leave.
I mean, I love myself more when I’m with you.
I can more when I’m with you.
It makes me want to finish painting that picture when I remember that I am with you.

I like to exist by your side.
I’m less ashamed.
I only care about what is important.

Because love is an opportunity for the bad to live.
Which is a lot and a very screwed up.
May be weathered.
And also.

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