The Best Infusion For Anemia

This iron-rich infusion is an effective and easy-to-prepare natural remedy to combat anemia.
infusion for anemia

The anemia occurs when the number of blood cells and hemoglobin is very low and its main symptoms of anemia are weakness, fatigue, pallor, dizziness, weakness and even heartbeat. It usually appears mainly due to a lack of iron, although there may be other factors. The herbal medicine with the use of medicinal plants and remineralizante tonic effect, can be a good support time to overcome it .

Infusion rich in iron, silica and vitamin C

This infusion combines plants rich in iron and silica, vitamin C, organic acids, tannins and phytosterols. It is very suitable to take in the morning in periods when you feel weak and lack of strength.

In addition to a great natural remedy to cure anemia. It helps to replenish our mineral reserves, gives us vitamins and has a tonic, astringent and revitalizing effect, ideal to combat fatigue.


  • Stoned fruits of wild rose
  • Bistorta root
  • Nettle leaves
  • Milk thistle fruits
  • Horse tail
  • Alfalfa sums
  • Sorrel leaves
  • Green anise
  • A sweetener of your taste

If you have a propensity to develop oxalic kidney stones, it is best to substitute sorrel for watercress.


  1. Distribute the plants equally, taking the amount you consider appropriate (the same amount for each plant).
  2. Mix all the ingredients except the alfalfa tops and the sweetener you have chosen.
  3. Separate about 5 grams of this mixture for every 250 ml of water.
  4. Boil the mixture for about 3-4 minutes and, once this time has elapsed, remove it from the heat and add the alfalfa tops.
  5. Cover the infusion and let it rest like this for about 10 minutes. After this time, strain the infusion.
  6. Add the sweetener of your choice to improve the flavor of the tea. Taste it to adjust for sweetness.

The right doseof this infusion to treat anemia is 2 or 3 cups a day, the first with breakfast.

This article has been prepared with the advice of Josep Maria Teixé, herbalist at El Manantial de Salud.

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