Miguel And Santi, Passion For Food Full Of Life

They started researching health and got into living, curative and responsible food. Today they share their knowledge at TheLivingFood Bio Vegan Store, in Barcelona
food full of life

When they ask us what is our strength, we always answer the same thing: the information we provide to customers about the products we sell in our establishment.

Many times they even tell us: “But if it is very different from what health professionals recommend …”. And always, inside us, without being too noticeable, a slight smile escapes us, a mixture of relief, pride and joy, the smile of those who have won the battle to the dark side (at least for the moment), the smile quiet of those who have taken the step of departing from the strange dictates of established diets and certain allopathic pharmacological treatments, of conventional medicine in short.

A personal story

Although we have been in contact with a type of healthy diet for a long time, from foods of exclusive plant origin and organically grown, it was not until a few years ago that we were forced to investigate in depth about new forms of nutrition.

Medical experience. We were interested in state-of-the-art superfoods and natural supplements that would help us combat the adverse effects caused by the accumulation of a drug that generated in one of us a so-called “rare” and “incurable” disease. As of today, this does not have any treatment except (you will not believe it) the administration of the same type of medicine that caused it or a very invasive surgical intervention.

“Eco-logical” alternatives. With the diagnosis in hand and having verified in first person the business that generates dependence on drugs, we immerse ourselves in research and knowledge of the medicinal and biochemical properties of food with a double intention: first, to do a deep detoxification of the organism to eliminate the toxins accumulated by the medication, and secondly, to find more “ecological” alternatives to deal with such a situation.

If food lacks essential nutrients, we will lack crucial elements in our physical constitution

The really valuable thing. If our food lacks essential nutrients, we will lack crucial elements in our physical makeup. With the proliferation of all kinds of scams in nutrition marketing, we have to be deeply concerned with the quality of our food. We must be able to distinguish between what is “garbage” filled with sugars and chemicals, and what is truly valuable to us: natural products and home-made processes that are cleaner, fresher and more respectful.

New habits

To do this, we must reflect on the ancient wisdom of eating to re-develop eating habits that provide us with health and longevity. We need this knowledge to avoid dietary and nutritional devastation, in favor of the highest quality food, rich in minerals and nutrients, organic, homegrown, or wild foods and superfoods.

The most advanced. In our store, Thelivingfood Bio Vegan Store, we offer products free of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), of organic origin, raw vegan products, a wide variety of superfoods and state-of-the-art natural supplements, as well as personal care and cosmetic products. biological. In turn, we place a lot of value on local, more ecological production, which ensures an inexpensive distribution. Although that is not why we give up offering imported products if we consider their exceptional quality.

We love animals. Our ideology also includes, as a premise, to avoid mistreatment and animal cruelty. For this reason, and because they are harmful to health, we do not sell products of animal origin.

More aware and healthy

At Thelivingfood we invite you to discover a new way of living and experience clean and renewed energy, to prevent possible diseases. What we have learned and has cured us is now in our store … A new way of understanding food, more conscious, respectful of oneself and of everything that surrounds us!

TheLivingFood Bio Vegan Store

C / Viladomat, 85. Barcelona


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