Looking With Good Eyes Also Influences Your Health

To look well must be done with intention, attention and understanding of the other, capturing the positive and transmitting good feelings.

Depending on how we look, we are able to see some things or others. What we capture and how the brain subsequently interprets it depends on our gaze. Ramón de Campoamor explained it like few others in his verses: ” Nothing is true or a lie, everything is according to the color of the glass you look at .”

It is important to look well to understand reality. If we look wrong, our eyes will always deceive us or we will receive false information.

And to look well you have to do it with intention, attention and understanding of the other. To look well is to capture the positive with your sight, to observe and highlight the qualities more than the defects, to convey good feelings, to use the muscles of the smile.

Learning to look well connects you with those around you

There are people who do not look at you either good or bad, they do not even look at your face. We understand that we are not going to understand each other with that person, as it is a sign that they do not want to know anything about us. Other times we perceive the disgruntled gaze of the one who looks at us badly and we feel that we do not understand each other.

To be a good doctor or therapist, above all, you have to look, and looking well is part of the patient’s empathy and understanding. It is the basis of a good diagnosis and at the same time helps to see your natural potential, all the good things that you will be able to put in place to regain your health.

In medicine, a bad look is a bad diagnosis and prognosis. And even in the worst conditions, the patient deserves a good look and best wishes, a look that transmits the positive and pleasant part, from the first breath to the last breath of life.

Boomerang effect

The impact of the gaze is that it produces exchanges. The boomerang effect is given, since generally as we look we are looked at. One can be well looked at, admired, in mutual admiration.

Looking bad, apart from generating a mental misinterpretation of reality, has been popularly related to the evil eye. When someone looks bad it seems that their reality and focus will be filled with misfortunes; When this happens, it may be time to become aware to look at life from other perspectives.

Looking with good eyes can be the key to establish harmony and synchronization with those around us and that they can perceive reality from our point of view, or at least establish communication and understanding that will also be the basis of our health.

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