In Health, The Difficult Must Be Made Easy

Could simplicity be the key to facing a disease or health problem?

Sometimes when we are given an explanation or when we are doing a job, studying for an exam or learning something new, the difficulty arises. But all action or learning has different perspectives and, next to the one that makes it seem difficult, there is always another perspective from which the same can be really easy.

There is an art in looking at problems from different perspectives. The interesting thing is that, although we can see the difficulty, we also know how to see the easy side, the simple way.

This is important for those of us who teach and we have to present a problem and its resolution: we must indicate the simple way to the students so that from the easy point they can observe and practice what they have difficulty.

Simplify to face difficulties

Climbing a high mountain is difficult, but taking one step after another is easier. And step by step great mountains are climbed. Studying a degree costs, but studying a little every day does not cost so much and by studying every day you learn a lot. Neither in a large surgical operation is everything cut at once; It goes step by step starting with the simple, with the security of doing everything well.

For this reason, when great difficulties, illnesses or challenges come, it is important to focus on the present and solve as best as possible what is at stake at that moment. It is important, first of all, to start with the simplest and know-how to do it. And so, with one step after another, difficulties are overcome.

The facts of life are simple, straightforward, and easy, but we often make them complex, complicated, and difficult. To me personally, if someone is going to explain something to me and at first they tell me that it is very difficult, at the moment I get sleepy and lose my attention, while, if they tell me that it is simple, my attention is opened wide and I quickly try to understand it and do it.

The naturopathy, in addition to relying on the healing ability of the body, is based on doing good things simple : to chew well, eat well, move well, rest well, relate well, be happy with the simplicity of life and use remedies simple like plants, water, sun or air.

With simple therapeutic interventions surprising healing results are obtained that seemed difficult to achieve. We have achieved change and health just by keeping the perspective of a broad vision and choosing the possibility of doing it that is simpler and easier for us.


  • The Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu says: “Take care of the difficult when it is still easy.” In other words, do what’s easy before it gets tough. Difficult problems are best solved while they are easy and large projects while they are small.
  • The wise person never tries to do more than he can or can afford, so he never leaves anything undone.

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