How To Prepare Elderberry Syrup Against Colds And Flu

Elderberry syrup is a traditional remedy whose properties against colds and flu have been confirmed by science. We show you how to prepare it.
elderberry syrup

With the cold, the risk of catching flu and colds increases. They are mild diseases for which there is no effective drug treatment. However, natural medicine offers remedies that boost immunity, speed recovery, and lessen the intensity of symptoms, without negative side effects. One of these remedies, perhaps the most effective, is elderberry syrup.

Elderberry Syrup Benefits

Science has confirmed the properties of elderberry ( Sambucus nigra ). A study by Doctors Porter and Bode, published in Phytotherapy Research , conducted with 60 people with the flu, showed that taking 15 ml of elderberry syrup four times a day produces an improvement in symptoms and shortens the duration of the illness 3-4 days.

Other studies have shown that elderberry is also beneficial in a number of disorders:

  • Boost cardiovascular health.
  • It has antibiotic properties.
  • Stimulates general immunity.
  • Protects the skin against solar radiation
  • Improves diuresis and urinary excretion of salts.
  • It has an antidepressant effect.

Why is elderberry syrup recommended?

With elderberries you can make several different preparations (extract tablets, tinctures, infusions …), but the syrup has advantages. One of the main ones is that in the syrup it is combined with honey or maple syrup and a long-lasting product with a very pleasant taste is obtained , so much so that it can be used as an ingredient in the preparation of desserts.

Tips for preparing elderberry syrup

Fresh or dried berries can be used to make elderberry syrup . The dried ones are easier to find in the herbalists and the fresh ones can be collected directly in the field if the plant is to be recognized with certainty. Be aware that there are similar toxic plants.

If fresh berries are used, the amount indicated in the recipes with dried berries should be doubled.

On the other hand, there are recipes with a high dose of sugar and a little alcohol that take advantage of its preservative qualities. These syrups can be kept for a long time at room temperature. But recipes with half honey (or maple syrup) and without alcohol are healthier, although they should be kept in the refrigerator.

Below we explain one of the classic recipes, which is the one preferred by Dr. Tieraona Low Dog, one of the world’s most recognized phytotherapy experts.

Ingredients to make the traditional elderberry syrup recipe:

  • 2 cups of dried elderberries (if possible, organic).
  • 4 cups of natural mineral water or filtered water.
  • 1 cup of organic honey or maple syrup.
  • 2 teaspoons of dried ginger root powder.
  • 1 cinnamon stick, a vanilla bean or a few cardamom seeds. You can use these aromatic and therapeutic ingredients or others to your liking.


  1. Heat the berries, ginger, and cinnamon (or vanilla or cardamom) with the water in a glass or ceramic saucepan.
  2. When it starts to boil, reduce the heat and continue cooking for 40 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat and let it sit for an hour.
  4. Strain the mixture using a funnel lined with folded cotton gauze or organic undyed cotton muslin.
  5. Mix the liquid obtained with the honey and stir it.
  6. You can double the amount of honey and add a cup of vodka to extend the life of the product, but it will not be suitable for children.
  7. Store the syrup in a previously sterilized glass bottle.

You can have a teaspoon or two of this syrup every day throughout the fall and winter. Remember that children under one year of age should not take products made with honey.

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