Get Into Your Own Business (and Leave Mine Alone)

Going into assessing all those highly personal issues of others is a total lack of education. Whoever that person is. There is something that must be kept away from the appreciation of others. There are things that not even your friends should comment on if you don’t ask their opinion first.
Get in your business and leave me alone

There are many, many things about others that do not concern us.
Who they love.
Who do they want?
How they live, how they dress, what they decide to do with their free time.
What do they see, what they read or what they hear.

The only thing that we should care about others are those things that affect us.
How does someone’s body affect you?
How does their clothing affect you?
How does it affect you with the person or people with whom you decide to maintain a relationship?
How does it affect you?

In absolutely nothing.
But human beings need to exercise our power over others.
We need that control that gives us the belief that we have the right to have a say about how the rest of their lives live.
We need to mark a territory.
Say what is normal and what is not.

Because we are afraid that our reality is not the only one.
We are afraid that everything we have believed to be true is nothing more than a story.
And that is why we point out, criticize, expel or ridicule everything that does not fit.

Because every time I point to something.
Every time I separate him from me.
All I do is confirm that my space, my site, my place, is correct.
It’s the only one.
It is what it should be.

Entering to value all those very personal issues of others is an absolute lack of education.
Whoever that person is.
There are things of yours that are not your fathers or mothers.
Things that your friends shouldn’t say if you don’t ask for their opinion first.

There is something that must be kept away from the appreciation of others.
Because if we don’t safeguard that.
If we are not able to protect that intimate that constitutes us.
Then we will be at the expense of what others want to see in us.
We will be conditioned.

We will not be free.
Because they will infect us with their fear.
And we will begin to doubt.
Maybe there is something wrong with loving this person or sleeping with this other.

Maybe there’s something wrong with the way I laugh so loud.
Maybe there is something wrong with my shoes or the color of my hair.
Maybe there is something wrong with me.
Maybe it should be more “normal”.

I should bend to the wishes of others to be accepted.
To be loved.
Not to be rejected.
But accept that, give up here.
It’s letting them beat us.

It is surrendering to be you to please others.
And that’s the worst we can do.
Because an existence in which you cannot be you.
It is clearly.
A worse existence.

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