Find Your Laugh And Offer It To The World

You don’t have to wait for someone to make you laugh to enjoy the benefits of a good laugh. We can enhance it ourselves and, even better, share it with others.
Benefits of laughing

Laughter feels good, but we don’t always laugh enough. Although we all have the ability to laugh, sometimes we need to discover it or get it back. We can do this by attending laughter therapy classes or by following simple tips that will help us cultivate our sense of humor.

Discover your laugh and share it!

Laughter therapy classes combine theoretical explanations with games and practical exercises. The goal is for everyone to discover their ability to laugh and make people laugh.

“When you connect with this type of laughter, you realize that it does not come from outside; it is generated within you, without the need for an apparent reason. You laugh for the simple pleasure of laughing “, says Mari Cruz GarcĂ­a, who carries more twenty years teaching laughter therapy workshops . She was one of the founders of the Smart Health School in Barcelona.

For Mari Cruz, ” laughter invites us to be attentive, to connect with the best that we have inside, to enjoy it and offer it to others, it invites us to enjoy life”.

Many go to laughter therapy classes looking for ways to avoid being devoured by personal problems. But more and more psychologists, teachers, nurses, midwives or other professionals whose intention is to apply humor in their respective work environments are also approaching.

What is a laughter therapy workshop like?

  1. Classes begin by moving the body to unlock energy.
  2. Afterwards, group communication exercises are carried out to promote disinhibition: they consist of something as simple as touching the nose or ear of the person next to you with your hand.
  3. And then experimentation exercises with laughter are practiced , as a couple or in a group. One of the most popular is known as “the spike “, in which students lie down in a row resting their heads on their partner’s stomach: the laughter “circulates” in this way like a wave.

6 ways to develop your sense of humor

A sense of humor is a “muscle” that needs exercise. We are all born with it but it has to develop.

1. Take your time

Humor requires an alert intelligence, knowing how to observe it when it happens. And for that it takes time. The rush does not let us appreciate the comic side of life.

2. Be spontaneous

Most people think they are not funny, but they just need opportunities to enhance their creative and spontaneous side. We must recover the ability to play and rescue the child in us.

3. Practice with jokes

The first time a joke or anecdote is explained, it is usually not very funny. With practice, the expression improves a lot. Gestures help you laugh.

4. Laugh at yourself

To get started, just look in the mirror in the morning, grimace and smile without fear of ridicule.

5. Go on a humor diet

Collect anecdotes, comic strips, or jokes. Remember moments that made you laugh and write down everything that is funny to you. Choose funny movies. It is not about abstracting from the problems of the world but about leaving room for humor.

6. Get closer to the children

They are the best teachers!

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