Be Honest. And Don’t Play With Me Never Again

You have the right to have that message answered. You have the right to be spoken to clearly. You have the right not to be dizzy. To not make excuses.

It seems that our actions have no consequences.
That we can treat people extremely badly.
Pretend they never existed and we never interacted with them.

To erase them with total coldness.
With total impunity.
Because they have delegitimized us to claim, to complain or to demand something.

You have no right to ask me for anything because we are nothing.
That is the proclamation.
Make it clear from the beginning that you can’t ask because there isn’t.
But of course there is.

There are timeshares.
There is intimacy.
There are unavoidable expectations.
There is some kind of hope.

How can we human beings relate affectively without expecting something?
It is impossible.

Because when you like something, when something upsets your normality, when something makes you feel joy and desire.
When something makes you feel alive.
You wait.
You expect to receive, at a minimum, what you give and give.

And it’s not that you make a movie.
Imagine things.
That you project too much, no.

You have the right to fable.
You have the right to fantasy and to be treated with affection.
Be it for two minutes or a hundred years.

You have the right to have that message answered.
You have the right to be spoken to clearly.
You have the right not to be dizzy.
To not make excuses.
For people to be brave and face that consequence that all acts have.

So if you know what my dog’s name was.
If we have groaned together.
If you have entangled me in your dreams.
You owe me an explanation.

You owe me to sit down and looking at my face tell me that’s it.
You owe me something because this was something.
It is always.

Because what cannot be is that you pretend nothing.
And it seems that I have made it all up.
And for another, right?

As if we people live in a board game.
In which I eat a token and send it home and count twenty to eat another.
People are not chips.

People are human beings.
Not things.
And the human beings you interact with are always owed respect.

That respect goes through the path of honesty.
Be honest.
And don’t play with me
Never more.

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