18 Substitutions That Will Make Your Breakfast Healthier

Breakfast is the first thing you eat after an overnight fast. Substituting certain foods for healthier ones you will avoid health problems and you will feel better throughout the day.
Healthier breakfast substitutions

Any traditional recipe or ingredient has its healthy, energetic and nutritious version, and what we include for breakfast is no exception. Keeping it in mind and making small changes to this first meal of the day can make a big difference.

Sometimes it is simply a matter of substituting foods of animal origin for foods of plant origin. Others to substitute apparently healthy plant foods for their integral, ecological version, without sugar or without gluten.

Small changes that transform your breakfast

Reviewing this list and making the relevant substitutions you can make a much healthier version of your usual breakfast:

  1. Instead of milk. .. vegetable drinks. You have a great variety to choose from.
  2. Instead of a dairy cheese. .. vegan cheese made from seeds or nuts.
  3. Instead of a dairy yogurt. .. homemade unsweetened raw vegan yogurt or chia pudding using non-dairy milk as a base. Here are several recipes for raw yogurt to make at home.
  4. Instead of sausages : avocado, olive oil, and even some vegan sausage with nuts (avoid highly processed ones).
  5. Instead of pate spread : a good homemade vegan vegetable pate, to spread or eat as a dip.
  6. Instead of conventional sliced ​​bread … organic sliced ​​bread made from cereals such as rice, kamut or spelled.
  7. Instead of white bread … quality whole wheat bread.
  8. Instead of sugary breakfast cereals … organic flaked cereals without sugar or, better yet, whole grain and boiled or a homemade granola without sugar.
  9. Instead of jam made with sugar. .. a homemade jam without sugar or bought if it is sweetened with concentrated grape or apple juice.
  10. Instead of regular muffins … homemade vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, and sugar-free muffins.
  11. Instead of conventional cookies. .. homemade cookies without gluten or sugar, vegan or raw, and therefore without dairy.
  12. Instead of sponge cake. .. a sugar-free vegan sweet bread.
  13. Instead of chocolate. .. pure raw cocoa or carob.
  14. Instead of granola with sugar. .. homemade granola, gluten free, sugar free, light and well combined.
  15. Instead of industrial or orange juice … unsweetened green juice. You can see here some ideas of green juices.
  16. Instead of a fruit smoothie … a raw vegan unsweetened green smoothie. For example, this shake to start the day with vitality.
  17. Instead of a protein shake. .. a raw vegan sugar-free energy green shake, like this hemp almond green shake.
  18. Instead of store-bought crepes. .. homemade, vegan, dairy-free, whole-wheat, gluten-free crepes.

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