The Cat Pose To Release Tension

The Bidelasana yoga pose readjusts and re-positions the entire spine, which provides complete relaxation and oxygenates the entire body.
Bidalasana cat pose

The spine is the axis that supports the weight of the body. Poor posture, lack of exercise or stress can cause overload and stiffness that also affect the rest of the body.

Cats are great masters of stretching, as they help them maintain their flexibility and relax frequently. By stretching the back we can also release tension and at the same time strengthen and relax the muscles of the entire spine.

The Bidalasana yoga posture is reminiscent of a cat stretching and simulates the movements and flexibility of this little feline. It is combined with the cow pose in a sequence that is very relaxing and that especially works the spine and the back muscles.

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Benefits of Bidalasana or cat pose

The movements in the cat pose act on all the insertions of the spinal nerves and facilitate the irrigation of the intervertebral discs, stretching and toning the muscles of the abdomen. This allows you:

  • Induce deep relaxation.
  • Warm up the spine and prepare it for other exercises.
  • Give elasticity to the muscles and prevent back pain ,
  • Strengthen the abdomen.
  • Relaxes and align the vertebrae, which provides great rest to the lower back.

How it is executed

You have to concentrate on coordinating the movements with the phases of breathing. The movements, slow and smooth, should flow in the same way as the breath. In this way, a full and deep relaxation and complete oxygenation of the body is achieved .

  1. Get into a quadripod position making sure your hands are shoulder-width apart and your legs hip-width apart.
  2. As you breathe in, relax your abdominal and gluteal muscles and lift your head, arching your spine and lower back downward.
  3. As you exhale, the movement is the reverse: you have to contract your abdominal muscles and pelvis and arch your back upward.
  4. Then bring the head down looking towards the navel.
  5. Chain one movement with another.

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