Natural Beauty Routine To Improve The Look

Your look speaks of you. With simple and natural cares you will give it light and serenity.
Improve the natural routine look

  • 1. Give your eyes a break
  • 2. Deflate puffy eyes
  • 3. Apply cucumber against dark circles
  • 4. Use anti-wrinkle oils
  • 5. Take care of eyelashes and eyebrows
  • 6. Use a household biphasic cleaner

It is said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul and the truth is that our gaze can express dozens of emotions and feelings without mentioning a word. It is advisable to pay close attention to their care. The most natural and simple can be effective to have a beautiful, illuminated and fresh look.

Our eyes will be beautiful if we are in good health, sleep well, and lead a healthy diet and an active life, without stress. However, sometimes we get out of the healthy routine and wake up with dark circles, puffy eyes, bags and droopy eyelids. Some homemade tricks, a makeup that is as natural as possible and fresh products that we can make at home will help us to recover its luminosity and freshness.

Here are 6 tips to show off a beautiful look in the most natural and simple way.

1. Give your eyes a break

To improve the look, we can start by maintaining the physical health of our eyes:

  • Do not abuse the screens. Not spending many hours in front of the computer, mobile or television is basic.
  • Exercises to relax the gaze. If for work we have to spend hours in front of the screen, we must rest our eyes every two hours and look out the window for a few minutes at objects as far away as possible. Thus we exercise and rest the focus muscles.

2. Deflate puffy eyes

If your eyes feel very tired and swollen, prepare a gauze soaked in fresh water or an iced mallow or chamomile infusion and apply it on closed eyes to rest for 5 minutes. Both plants reduce inflammation, decongest and calm.

3. Apply cucumber against dark circles

Cucumber is a well-known remedy for hydrating, reducing inflammation and removing dark circles, as it contains flavonol, a natural antioxidant and decongestant.

  1. Get two gauze dressings, crush 4 slices of cucumber fresh from the fridge and place a tablespoon of this puree on each open gauze.
  2. Close them inwards forming a sachet and apply them on closed eyes, clean and without makeup, at least 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse with cold water and hydrate the skin afterwards.
  4. I also propose an eco challenge: wash the gauze to reuse it and take the used puree to the compost bin.

4. Use anti-wrinkle oils

The expression lines make the look harder and more tired. Hydrate the eye contour with vegetable oils such as argan, rosehip, raspberry or prickly pear seeds, black currant or wild flax.

5. Take care of eyelashes and eyebrows

To keep your eyebrows and eyelashes healthy, long, hydrated and defined, you can also take care of them naturally. It is important to pluck your eyebrows regularly to maintain a symmetrical and attractive shape based on the features of your face.

  • Stimulate their growth. There are vegetable oils whose properties stimulate and strengthen hair from the roots. You can apply them with a disused and well-sanitized mascara applicator brush to keep your eyebrows and lashes healthy and shiny.
  • Make your own homemade oil. The best vegetable oils to care for eyebrows and eyelashes are castor, sweet almond, argan, sesame, wheat germ and jojoba. To prepare your own formula:
  1. Mix one teaspoon of each and store in a capped bottle, preferably amber in color to protect the oils from sunlight.
  2. Add two or 3 drops of vitamin E, cap and shake the bottle.
  3. You can use it every day. Apply it before sleeping, after removing make-up and cleaning your face.
  4. Try to apply the oil sparingly along the lashes so that it doesn’t get into your eyes.

6. Use a household biphasic cleaner

Every day it is essential to have an eye cleaning routine. Going to sleep with makeup is one of the reasons why you lose your fresh look and premature wrinkles appear. You can make a mild eye cleanser using just vegetable oil, chamomile, and rose water.


• 3 tablespoons of sweet almond, jojoba or grape seed oil
• 3 tablespoons of chamomile infusion with rose petals (or 2 of chamomile and 1 of rose water)
• 1 teaspoon of liquid glycerin.


1. Prepare the infusion of chamomile and petals (or just chamomile if you are going to use rose water).
2. Put the indicated amounts in a small jar. Add the oil and vegetable glycerin.
3. Mix by shaking and apply with a cotton pad. Rinse with water.

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