A Week Without Meat: A Challenge With Menus, Recipes And Tips

Following a 100% vegetable diet for a week is easy if you know how, and the positive effects of this gesture are greater than you imagine . Do you join the challenge?
Meatless week

“Meatless recipes from people who are made of meat”: this is one of the phrases that a vegetable burger with the face of few friends hums in the video that the food awareness organization ProVeg has created to promote the initiative of the Week without meat. The clip ironizes the concept without meat (animal) and encourages you to sign up for the 7-day challenge that ProVeg has created.

After having more than 20,000 participants in Spain in the last three years, ProVeg’s Meatless Week celebrates its fourth edition, which starts this Monday, June 14.

This initiative is organized in collaboration with the Ochotumbao Foundation, founded by Dani Rovira and Clara Lago, and the Spanish Vegetarian Union, an organization in charge of providing nutritional support. It also has the support of other associations such as FAADA, Animal Equality or the Franz Weber Foundation, media such as Gastro Emprendedores, Cuerpomente or Vegconomist and the emblematic vegetable meat company, The Vegetarian Butcher.

The objective is to raise awareness about the impact of high consumption of animal meat and discover all the power of vegetable protein. To achieve this, ProVeg has created a free week -long challenge that anyone who wants to learn how to prioritize plant protein over animal protein can join.

Join the challenge: a week without meat (animal)

During that week, the people who have joined the challenge will receive daily newsletters about the different sources of vegetable protein, with detailed information on each of them, including tips for cooking them, where to buy them, nutritional and price comparisons, etc. They will also have:

  • A weekly menu, including soy-free and gluten-free menus.
  • A shopping list.
  • An infographic to create healthy dishes.
  • Exclusive recipes from some of the best-known plant-based foodies: Begin Vegan Begun, In My Vegan Kitchen, La Gloria Vegana, Jenny from Vegan Recipes, Addicted to Hummus and Essential Nutrition.

People who sign up for the challenge will also have the opportunity to join the Meatless Week Telegram community. During the Meatless Week, several live shows will be organized on Instagram, one of them with Paula Bastán, a nutritionist from the Spanish Vegetarian Union, dedicated to solving nutritional questions.

Stop eating meat, the most sustainable option

Joining the Meatless Week to learn how to eat more vegetables is betting on a healthy and sustainable diet. The EAT-Lancet Commission estimates that adopting a more plant-based, planetary health diet could prevent 11 million premature adult deaths a year.

In addition, a study published in the journal Science affirms that avoiding meat and dairy products is the most important way to reduce the environmental impact on the planet.

According to ProVeg estimates, going from a current diet to a vegetable for a week means avoiding the equivalent of the CO2 emissions that are generated by driving about 200 km, a waste of water similar to showering 70 times and the use of 40 square meters of land.

Meatless Week offers a fun and tasty way to be part of the revolution that our current food model needs. You join? You can sign up at semanaincarne.es.

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