6 Keys To Reduce And Treat Well The Garbage That Is Generated In The Bathroom

In the bathroom a lot of garbage is generated with the varied packaging of all kinds of products and personal hygiene waste that normally ends up, all together, in a small reject bag. The appropriate thing is to also separate this garbage and reduce it if possible.
recycle bathroom products well

  • 1. Eliminate plastic packaging
  • 2. Dispose of aerosol cans properly
  • 3. How to dispose of glass containers
  • 4. How to dispose of the carton of solid soaps and shampoos
  • 5. Throw away the cotton pads and toothbrush
  • 6. Avoid bathroom trash before buying

In the bathroom there is usually only a small garbage can, in which everything that is discarded is thrown. But in the bathroom many different types of waste are generated: glass, plastic, aluminum and many more. This bag ends up in the reject bin, which is a mistake. We can do a better treatment of the garbage related to our personal hygiene.

1. Eliminate plastic packaging

Toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner … in most cases these products are packaged in plastic. In this case, the tubes and other containers go to the yellow container.

Keep in mind that the containers and lids are usually made of different materials, so it is a good idea to separate them so that they are recycled correctly.

The tag is also usually made of a different material. Separate it too. Labels are often easier to recycle if you heat the packaging with a hair dryer.

Before throwing away a bottle or tube, make sure you’ve actually used all of the product. Sometimes it is difficult to “squeeze” the remains. To be sure there is nothing left, cut the jar or tube with scissors.

Cosmetics such as eye shadows or blushes are usually presented in containers made up of different parts, some made of metal and others made of plastic. It will make recycling much easier for you to separate the pieces. You can help yourself with a small screwdriver. You can take the metal to the aluminum collection points or you can dispose of both in the yellow container, but separately from each other.

2. Dispose of aerosol cans properly

You can find metal not only in eyeshadow but also in spray cans for shaving cream, hairspray, or deodorant. You can throw them into the yellow container.

However , you need to make sure the cans are really empty. Otherwise, they are under pressure and a fire may start in the truck, the waste disposal company or the sorting plant.

If there are leftovers in the can and you no longer want to use them for certain reasons (for example, because you have discovered that the product contains microplastics), you should take it to a collection point at the recycling or hazardous waste center.

There are now alternatives to many hygiene products that allow you to do without cans. You can find deodorants, shaving soaps, or natural hairspray in glass jars.

3. How to dispose of glass containers

You can buy perfumes, oils, and some roll-ons in glass jars. Its destination is the glass container.

The container should be empty, but it does not need to be rinsed. Perfume residue should not go down the drain, as perfume can contain harmful substances.

For glass spray bottles, also separate the spray head and plastic cap from the bottle and dispose of them in the green (glass) and yellow (plastic) containers.

4. How to dispose of the carton of solid soaps and shampoos

Solid products like solid shampoo, shaving soap, or hand soap can now be found in many pharmacies, drugstores, and supermarkets in carton packs. The wrappers belong to the blue container for the paper. Unless it is laminated paper, in which case it would have to be thrown away.

In the case of containers that are made part cardboard and part plastic, you must separate the two and discard the plastic to the yellow container and the cardboard to the paper.

5. Throw away the cotton pads and toothbrush

In addition to the containers and packaging, other rubbish is produced in the bathroom, such as cottons, wipes, used toothbrushes, tissues , etc.

Tissues, wipes, cotton pads, and ear buds are rejected because they cannot be recycled. They should never be flushed down the toilet and they are not recyclable even if they are made of paper or organic.

Used toothbrushes also belong to rejection. Even if they are made of plastic, remember that only the containers go in the yellow container, not anything made of this material.

Razor blades must be thrown away. Be careful with the individual sheets, wrap them in paper or cloth so that no one gets hurt. A better idea is to put them in a container and take it to the recycling point when it is full.

6. Avoid bathroom trash before buying

It is important to properly dispose of bathroom trash, but it is even better if the volume of waste is reduced. Plastic is a problem for the environment, since to make it you have to extract and transform oil and plastic remains in nature almost forever.

A lot of energy is used to recycle aluminum and glass, so if possible, reduce this type of packaging as well.

We recommend solid products from bulk stores, the neighborhood, the pharmacy or online that are wrapped in recycled paper at most.

If you don’t want to do without liquid products, you can use recharging systems.

Another option is to make your own cosmetics. This way you not only save garbage but also know exactly what is inside.

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