“Speak Your Truth Instead Of Always Seeking Approval Outside”

The author of “Why walk if you can fly?” has created a system focused on four affirmations to restore inner peace and joy of living.
Interview with Isha

After years of inner search, Isha discovered that the greatest gift of life is found in unconditional love, that which we can only find if we connect with our deepest self, in unity with the universe. He published a book, Why walk if you can fly? (Ed. Aguilar), of which there is also a movie.

As a result of her personal research, she has created a therapeutic and self-knowledge system that bears her name, a simple method based on four statements that she calls facets.

He proposes repeating each of the facets daily in sessions of about twenty minutes, as many times as you want, especially in moments of restlessness. These repetitions can be done anywhere or at any time (you don’t need a special mental disposition, just be comfortable).

It is good to accompany them with physical exercise, as well as drink water, to eliminate the toxins that are removed with practice.

This repetition can lead, according to Isha, to progressively eliminate negative thoughts, fears and limiting beliefs ; to feel gratitude for the fact of being able to develop our humanity, to recover our own worth and to accept the things that happen to us.

Isha, of Australian origin, now resides on the coast of Uruguay. At all times he showed himself as a tremendously human person, accessible, serene, fun, with no pretense other than enjoying life and sharing what he knows with others.

From fear to love

– What process led you to develop the ISHA system?
-I got tired of suffering. I had tried hundreds of therapies and spiritual systems: meditation, rebirthing, reiki … but I realized that fear dominated my life. There came a time when I began to go inward, very deeply, and I began to see that I did not love myself.

She was a successful woman, but nothing she did seemed good enough to me. My biggest fear was that people would not love me or that they would abandon me. The deeper I went, the more I realized that this separation had an internal origin rather than an external one.

– And what happened from that moment?
–That I began to feel the situation and to heal it at a very deep level. Then I began to listen to my inner voice and it taught me that I had to embrace my humanity, that I had to express my truth, that I had to be whole, instead of always looking for approval outside. That I had to find internal security and not get attached to anything external.

“I began to see how in a way she was addicted to suffering.”

That is why my addictions were so important to me, since they always led me to the same point: I had bad relationships and thus I could show that I did not deserve the love of others. I used to drink a lot, because I was not comfortable with myself, I was very insecure. I began to feel all of this and to expand that internal energy, and the more I focused on it, the bigger it became. Thus the system arose.

–He defines it as a therapeutic system based on love. How great is the power of this feeling?
-Human beings do not realize that love is a very powerful energy, which makes you feel internally safe, at peace. It is as if each one could carry his own house within himself.

Once someone finds that internal energy, while using for example the facets that I teach, that experience begins to expand. Our whole body is energy, everything is energy. When we begin to expand and focus on love, our vibration begins to rise and we attract more and more of it.

– So you propose to change internal aspects instead of changing what surrounds us?
– We tend to believe that we must change aspects or external things, in fact we spend a lot of time and energy on that. But what we do not realize is that the external is reflecting ourselves.

So when we heal internally, we raise our vibration and find a place of peace and joy. We go to a place of trust, instead of always staying in a space characterized by protection and fear. When this happens, then we begin to open up, to receive, and everything, everything changes. Our great secret resides within us, not outside.

A simple system, suitable for unbelievers

–Your system reminds me in part of NLP, because through words it allows you to model reality; or to prayer, since it is based on affirmations that make us connect with our spiritual part. And also to meditation, as it brings your attention to the present moment. How is it different from those techniques?
–In that we focus on love. When we focus on that energy, everything that is not vibrating at that frequency becomes evident and one begins to see it. Here we do not analyze anything, we do not interpret, it is only about feeling and seeing and being able to get rid of what does not work.

This is a very powerful method, because all four of its facets can be used at all times. That automatically leads us to that space of unconditional love. It is a fast and direct system, not linked to any belief. You do not need to dress or eat a certain way to access its benefits.

– And does not require “faith” to work?
-No. The facets are vibrating in unity and generating perfect coherence in the brain. When we live in the illusion of fear we perceive that there is always something wrong, but the facets are very powerful. The first is: “Praise love for this moment, in its perfection.” Talking about perfection, for example, is the last thing the intellect is going to agree on.

The job of the intellect is to keep us in duality and detect what is wrong. By keeping perfection in mind we learn to trust, flow and surrender, instead of always fighting. When I say surrender, I mean to surrender to things as they are, but from happiness. Often the greatest obstacles are erected by us, with our desire to control.

“The universe offers us diamonds every day, but we are so busy clinging to our pebbles that we cannot receive them.”

“I have practiced your sentences for a week.” I have felt more confident and at peace with regard to external conditions, more patient, less controlling, more cheerful. I suspect that this allows you to attract more positivity to life…
– By practicing the facets you begin to find an inner security. Human beings are rarely present: we tend to be concerned about the past or the future. But when someone begins to anchor in the present and to be in this inner peace, everything begins to change. He does not leave his occupations for it, but he moves as if from within himself. You have more energy because it doesn’t live in your head all the time. The person thus feels healthier and begins to see with new eyes.

The world is beautiful, but we are often so focused on our suffering that we can’t find a reason to live joyfully.

– Does this suffering come from fear?
-Yes. But when a person returns to that inner place of trust they begin to love themselves, and the choices they make are based on love, not old addictions. Nurturing that inner love allows us to see and embrace every aspect of ourselves. When that happens, suddenly, as if by magic, the person begins to change externally as well.

“It is so simple to heal the world: you just have to heal yourself.”

–You maintain that your system heals even on a physical level…
–The system works at a very deep level. I don’t want to say it’s a miracle cure, but two days ago I went from Madrid to Uruguay and ran a 160 km enduro race. I got on a plane again and here I am today. I went out for a run this morning, I am almost fifty years old and I vibrate and function in a very athletic state, when I was not like that before. Many people have healed important things with this; Others went through an operation and the facets helped them to recover sooner. We have known people who were cured and others who died, but in a state of acceptance and at peace, because death is a transition. The system does not cure everything, it is not a panacea, but it operates at a very deep level.

Using crises as an engine for change

– What is your opinion of the current economic, environmental and social crisis? How could a change towards ways of doing more human, sustainable and evolved be articulated?
– At the age of twenty-eight I experienced a tremendous crisis. There was a financial crash in Australia, my home country, and I lost everything: my money, my career. Six members of my family died. But that jolt allowed me to find myself. I realized that if that hadn’t happened, I would never have questioned my life, and I was a very stubborn person … But something so extreme doesn’t have to happen to change for the better. We can see that what we did before did not work for us. When we access that place of trust and find inner peace and bliss, then we begin to flow and realize that life is a wonderful experience. Beautiful things, such as those that are not so beautiful, create this color, this beauty.

“Crises have a good side because they make us go inwards and allow us to find what is really important.”

– Being Australian, what has led you to live in Uruguay?
– I developed the method in Australia, but they invited me to travel to Venezuela for a couple of weeks, and everywhere I went there was such a demand that I began to train teachers. The network of relationships was becoming so great that we founded a center on the Costa Azul of Uruguay, a beautiful place, where I teach my teachings together with the 35 teachers I have trained. That is my house and I live in it when I am not traveling. We also have another in Mexico.

–Another of their areas of work are prisons…
–In Mexico City, in a maximum security prison, about a thousand men voluntarily attend my talks. I am impressed to see them sitting down, so calm and respectful. The system has worked so well in prisons that some centers are beginning to incorporate it as part of a sentence reduction program. We have also received support from the Colombian authorities to teach ex-guerrilla members as part of the process of reintegration into society.

– A hermit from Montserrat once told me that the mind is man’s worst enemy. Do you agree?
– If it is your owner, yes. If not, she is your best friend.

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