Detox Baths To Treat Colds

Baths with warm water, Epsom salts, and essential oils can help reduce the discomfort associated with colds and flu.
Cold bath

A detox bath is a natural means of stimulating the immune response. The ingredients that are added, such as Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate), ginger and essential oils can have a positive effect on the evolution of the cold and the intensity of the symptoms.

Especially the bath is effective in treating muscle pain that often accompanies a viral infection (cold or flu), although the result can vary greatly from person to person.

Baths with salts and essential oils

A small study conducted at the University of Birmingham has proven that Epsom salts, added to the bath, increase magnesium levels in the body. This can help the body remove lactic acid from the muscles, reducing muscle discomfort.

The Epsom salts are safe, but the bathrooms that feature are not recommended for people suffering from a kidney problem.

The essential oils of lavender and chamomile produce a calming effect. Eucalyptus, meanwhile, has antimicrobial properties and can reduce congestion.

Can a bath be used to treat fever?

Although there is not much scientific evidence, some people can control a fever with a bath in warm water (about 32 ° C), according to nurse practitioner Deborah Weatherspoon.

But you should not take the bath if you feel chills or dizzy. The chill means that the body is trying to increase its temperature and with the bath we will only get that effort to increase, which can increase the fever.

3 baths to reduce cold or flu discomfort

It is important to drink plenty of water or infusions before, during and after bathing. The duration of the bath should be 12 to 20 minutes. It is advisable to take one bath a week, but if the experience is pleasant and helps you, you can take two or three.

Epsom salt bath

The goal of this bath is to reduce muscle discomfort. To drink it, fill the bathtub with warm water, add 2 cups of Epsom salts, a tablespoon of coconut oil and 5 drops of lavender essential oil. Stir the water by hand to promote the dissolution of the salts.

Ginger bath

This bath stimulates sweating and the elimination of toxins. It also reduces muscle discomfort.

Pour under the running water, while the bathtub is filling, 1/3 cup of Epsom salts, 1/3 cup of sea salt and 3 tablespoons of fresh grated ginger. At the end add a cup of apple cider vinegar.

Remember to drink and get out of the bathroom if you start to get chills.

Sea salt and eucalyptus bath

This bath relieves congestion and muscle aches.

Add to the water a cup of sea salt, a cup of Epsom salts, 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Stay in this bath for about 12 minutes.

In addition to the baths, to treat your cold you can take infusions of tea or thyme with honey and lemon. And if you have nasal congestion, you can perform nasal washes with sterilized sea water (you will find it in pharmacies).

When to go to the doctor

Before doing any natural treatment at home you need a correct diagnosis. Remember that you should go to the doctor if the fever exceeds 38 ºC, if the cold symptoms do not improve in 7 days, if you have a fever for more than 5 days, if you have trouble breathing or feel a murmur in your chest, or if your sinuses hurt nasal or ears.

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