Objective: Remove Heavy Metals Mission Accomplished!

Lead, mercury, aluminum … They accumulate in our body and make us sick. We propose a plan in three steps: reduce, eliminate and debug.
Remove heavy metals

Heavy metals accumulate in our body through food, water, and air. They poison us and make us sick, blocking the absorption of basic minerals for health.

Removing heavy metals is not a simple toxin purge. They are inorganic compounds that the body is unable to metabolize and therefore accumulate in organs and tissues.

To get rid of them, a biochemical phenomenon called “chelation” must occur, carried out by substances that trap inorganic molecules of heavy metals and create compounds that the body can eliminate through urine.

For a substance to be chelating, it must be soluble in water, able to penetrate cells, form non-toxic complexes when it binds with metal ions, have a low affinity for calcium ion (Ca2 +) to avoid hypocalcemia, and be rapidly excreted.

Substances such as chlorophyll and certain sulfur amino acids such as allicin, present in the essential oil of garlic, carry out this process.

There are also other substances that limit the action of toxic heavy metals, such as vitamins C, E and group B, flavonoids, coumarins, carotenes, essential fatty acids and minerals such as zinc, selenium or magnesium. Hence the importance of including foods that contain these health allies in the diet.

1. Reduce the intake of heavy metals

The first step is our goal of eliminating heavy metals is to reduce the intake of them. To do this, discover where the heavy metals most harmful to health hide in order to avoid them.


  • It accumulates in the lungs and brain.
  • It blocks the absorption of magnesium, causes asthenia and contributes to the onset of Alzheimer’s.
  • It is found in non-organic vegetables, industrial food, tap water, deodorants, amalgams, vaccines, pain relievers, and antacids.


  • It accumulates in the liver, kidneys, skin and nervous system.
  • Inhibits the action of vitamin E, selenium and sulfur. It causes chronic fatigue, lung and bladder cancer, diabetes, and gastrointestinal problems.
  • It is found in tap water, packaged juices, whole grains (especially rice), and wines.
  • To remove arsenic from rice, rinse it several times and cook it in plenty of water (about 6 times its volume).


  • It accumulates in the respiratory tract, liver, kidneys, fat, nerves, and bones.
  • Blocks the absorption of zinc, magnesium, selenium and sulfur. It causes hypertension, headache, anemia, peripheral nervous system disorders, kidney and lung problems.
  • It is found in tap water, freshwater fish, crustaceans, green leaves of vegetables, mushrooms and dry algae.


  • It accumulates in the kidneys, brain and nervous system.
  • It prevents the absorption of zinc, selenium and iron. It destroys vitamin B12 and causes chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, infections, anemia, and immune problems.
  • It is found in large fish, pesticides from intensive agriculture, vaccines, and dental fillings.


  • It accumulates in the brain, nervous system and bones.
  • Blocks the absorption of iron, calcium and molybdenum. It causes musculoskeletal pain, irritability, sleep disturbances and cognitive disturbances.
  • It is found in piped water in lead pipes, pesticides, packaged products, medicines, tobacco smoke.

Seaweed and mushrooms: watch out!

If they come from contaminated places, they are real heavy metal bombs.

2. It favors its elimination

These foods help the liver, intestine and kidneys to eliminate heavy metals. To increase their effectiveness choose them organic.

  • Seaweeds. Its fibers drag metals. Small doses each day, of clean water.
  • Celery. It dilates the renal vessels and helps to expel toxins. Take it raw.
  • Broccoli. Rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc. Three to five times a week.
  • Onion. Stimulates the detoxifying function of the liver. Consuming 50 g a day is enough.
  • Apple. Its pectin favors the expulsion of metals. Take a whole piece a day.
  • Brazil nuts. They provide a large amount of zinc and selenium. Just take one a day.
  • Parsley. Rich in chlorophyll and vitamin C. Sprinkle your dishes with it daily.
  • Green juice. A daily juice of organic green apples and celery is a great help.

When dental fillings are extracted, take 2 cups a day of Ayurvedic herbal tea made from coriander and burdock. It helps purify and expel mercury, aluminum and lead from the body.

3. Heavy metal scrubbing

In a cure, products are used in synergy to trap heavy metals and eliminate them through the liver and kidneys. You have to go to a professional to prescribe the optimal combination for diet, age and possible pathologies.

  • Lipoic acid. With extracellular and intracellular chelating effect. Take 350 mg with breakfast.
  • Calcium citrate. The lack of calcium facilitates the absorption of aluminum. Calcium also reduces lead. 200 mg is recommended with dinner.
  • Chlorella. It is a cleanser of toxins in the intestine, liver and blood. 1,800 mg with a glass of water before breakfast or dinner.
  • Methionine and cysteine. These sulfur amino acids solubilize heavy metals and facilitate their expulsion. 500 mg with dinner.
  • MSM. Helps expel lead, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic. 1,800 mg, in three daily doses.
  • Selenium. Protects against aluminum, cadmium and mercury. 200 μg with dinner.
  • Vitamin B6. Promotes the elimination of aluminum and kidney stones. 250 mg at breakfast.
  • Vitamin E. Protects from aluminum and lead build-up 400 IU (268 mg) with breakfast.
  • Vitamin C. It stimulates the enzymatic system of the liver. 1 g with breakfast and 1 g with lunch.

If you want to take care of your body and live healthier, discover how to do a good detox diet.

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