10 Natural Tips To Boost Your Resistance To Viruses

A strong immune system is the best defense against respiratory viruses, including the Covid19 coronavirus. Healthy habits, food and plants can help you.
Woman laughing in nature

Your immune system is in charge of fighting viruses and bacteria. In fact, against viruses there are few effective drugs (antiviral drugs) that are reserved for serious situations. Your defenses are therefore your main healing tool.

Immunity consists of an interacting set of cells, organs and tissues that defend us from pathogens in all parts of the body. If your immune system is weakened, viruses have an easier time multiplying. Here we explain how to strengthen your immunity with ten natural tips:

1. It is important for the immune system to get enough sleep

Your body regenerates during sleep, metabolism is stimulated and growth hormones are released. A single night with little sleep weakens your immune system. Adults should sleep between seven and nine hours a night. Going to bed early and following a restful night routine can help you have a restful sleep and active defenses.

2. Exercise outdoors strengthens your immunity

When you do physical exercise, the cells of your body, including those of the immune system, are activated. At the same time, it reduces stress. If you exercise outdoors you will also have added benefits such as synthesizing more vitamin D, thanks to the exposure of your skin to the sun. This vitamin is essential for immunity.

Fresh air also increases blood circulation, which in turn supports the body’s defenses.

In times of confinement at home, you can exercise on the terrace or balcony. If you do not have this possibility, you can practice your routine in front of the wide open window. You can take advantage of the mandatory 15 minutes of room ventilation to reduce the concentration of viruses, bacteria and pollutants in the previous spaces.

3. Lemon juice for your immune system

If you drink a glass of warm water with freshly squeezed lemon juice after waking up, you have already done something good for your good morning health. Warm water stimulates digestion and replenishes fluid stores that have been emptied overnight.

Thanks to the lemon, you also start the day with a dose of nutrients: calcium, potassium, vitamin C, as well as traces of iron and vitamin A. They not only strengthen your immune system, but also your liver, which is responsible for detoxification in the body. Try to drink the water with lemon juice through a straw to avoid damaging your tooth enamel.

A plant-based diet for the rest of the day will complete the amounts you need of antioxidant and other nutrients.

4. Strengthen your immunity with proper nutrition

70% of the immune cells that protect you from disease are in the intestine. To strengthen it, you must pay attention to a healthy and balanced diet. It is particularly important to eat enough fruits and vegetables, preferably local, organic and seasonal. They are the cheapest and rich in nutrients.

It is also important that you regularly eat legumes, whole grains and nuts. In addition, avoid refined sugar as much as you can, since, among other damages, it can damage your intestinal flora and with it, your immune capacity.

5. Reduce stress

Whether at work or in your private life, long-term stress tests your immune system and weakens it. So take breaks in your tasks and rest as much as you can in your day to day.

It is also a good idea to include some relaxation and meditation techniques in your routine. You can start with little time and build it up gradually.

It is important that you stay informed of the situation created by Covid-19, but do not overdo it, do not become dependent on the news that can create anxiety. Choose a few reliable sources of information. Discard the rumors and do not propages them.

6. Drink plenty to have a strong immune system

By drinking enough water, you help your body excrete disease-causing toxins. If the body is hampered by toxins, it is less able to defend itself against viruses.

It is better to drink regularly than to get to the point where you are already very thirsty, because then your body is already dehydrating. You should drink at least two liters of liquid a day, between water, infusions, broths and diluted juices.

7. Laughter keeps you healthy

The psyche has a major impact on the immune system. Above all, big worries and stress affect you.

The coronavirus has created complicated situations and it is normal that at many times you feel worried and even have reasons to be sad. But, as little as you can, find reasons to laugh consciously.

Laughter strengthens your immune cells, relieves stress and releases the hormone of happiness, serotonin. With frequent and sincere laughter, the positive effect on the immune system increases.

You can watch funny movies, listen to your favorite stand-up comedian, or call that friend who always makes you laugh.

8. Don’t forget about the valuable antioxidants in fruits and vegetables

Antioxidants protect your cells from harmful free radicals and thus support the immune system. Antioxidants include vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that you take in through food.

Blueberries and other berries, tomatoes, apples, carrots, whole grains, olive oil, green tea, oranges, and mandarins are particularly rich in antioxidants, which not only strengthen immunity but also prevent extensive variety of diseases and keep you looking young.

9. Strong immune system thanks to aromatic, wild and medicinal plants

Aromatic, medicinal and wild plants contain many phytochemicals and minerals that support the immune system with their antibacterial effect.

You can add oregano, pepper, garlic, basil, mint, and many other spices and plants to your dishes. Your contribution is very significant. You can also prepare infusions of ginger, tea, thyme or eucalyptus.

10. Drink less alcohol (or none)

Did you know that a binge deactivates your immune system for 24 hours and makes it more susceptible to pathogens? Alcohol slows down the production of molecules that alert our immune system in the event of an impending infection.

To avoid this effect, you should only consume alcohol occasionally and in moderation, or better yet, do without it altogether.

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