More Love And Less Fear

Fear of falling, of not being able to get up, at the end and at the beginning. Fear of the future. Fear of the present. And fear of the past. What cannot be is that fear prevents us from living.

Fear to fail.
Fear that it will end.
Fear of being fired.
Fear of not being able to pay for the roof and food.

Fear of harm.
Fear of being hurt.
Fear of compromise.
Fear to loneliness.

Fear of being rejected if you say so.
Fear that they will get angry if you don’t say it.
Fear of facing your parents.
Fear of putting limits on your children.

Fear of dying.
Fear of dying.
Fear to fly.
Fear of not being up to par.

Fear of not getting it.
Fear of suspending.
Fear of trying this or that.

Fear of your wishes.
Fear of making it happen.
Fear that it will never come true.

Fear of falling, of not being able to get up, at the end and at the beginning.
Fear of the future.
Fear of the present.
And fear of the past.

Fear of fear It is normal to be afraid: it is human. It is a valid emotion just like joy or anger.

What cannot be is that fear prevents us from living.
That paralyzes us.
Make our existence worse.
What cannot be is that fear is superior to love.

Because love, always, must be above fear.
Because when we decide to love life for what it is.
With its wounds, scars, skies and peaks.
When we understand that, whether we are afraid or not, this will happen.

This is just this once.
That there is no more.
That everything you have not done we can never do.
That we do not return.

Until we live with the awareness that existence is a privilege.
Until we remember what matters.
That tomorrow may be too late.

Until we understand it.
We will be stopping giving all those kisses.
Putting off all those calls, trips, pardons, or skips.
To an after.
That may never come.

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