How To Make A Perfect Vegetable Stew

Preparing a good vegetable and legume stew is much easier than it sounds if you know a few tricks. And it can be done quickly in the pressure cooker!
prepare lentil stew

The stews are varied stews based on a mixture, generally of legumes and vegetables, which are popular at certain times of the year such as winter and Lent, which made the stews were once vegetarian dishes or almost (sometimes cod is added, as in the “lent stew” as a source of protein, ignoring those of the legumes themselves).

Today we keep the tradition of making mainly chickpea stews, although we have been introducing new ingredients to vary them and make them part of our culinary routine.

How to make a vegetable stew with legumes in 4 easy steps

The stir-fry, the cooking of the legumes, the preparation of the vegetables and the choice of good complements and seasonings are the basis for preparing a tasty and nutritious stew.

1. A perfect stir-fry

To cook a good stew, it is very convenient to start with a classic sauté, which can include onion and tomato, but also paprika and other spices whose aromatic compounds are fat-soluble or withstand this type of cooking well, such as cumin, bay leaf, black pepper, thyme. , rosemary, etc.


  • 1 large white onion
  • 2 shallots
  • 1 clove garlic
  • ¼ teaspoon cumin (whole seed)
  • 2 bay leaves
  • ¼ teaspoon thyme
  • 1 sprig of rosemary
  • 4 ripe pear tomatoes, preferably peeled
  • a pinch of salt
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil


  1. Heat the oil in a saucepan or nonstick skillet over medium heat.
  2. Peel and finely chop the onion and put it in the pan.
  3. Peel and finely chop the shallots as well and add them.
  4. Peel the garlic clove, discard the nerve, mince the garlic and add it.
  5. Also add the spices and stir well.
  6. Chop or chop the tomatoes and add them to the pan or saucepan along with the salt. Stir well and lower the heat to a simmer.
  7. Let it fry everything together until it is smooth.

You can also add or change ingredients : leeks, chives, spring onion, cherry tomatoes, vine tomatoes, carrots, celery, red onion, sweet or smoked paprika, coriander (whole or ground seeds), etc.

With a sweet and very fragrant sauce we can start any stew we have in mind or improvise it.

2. Cook the legumes to the right point

You can choose the “usual” legumes such as chickpeas, lentils or beans, or try new varieties: black beans, beluga lentils, red lentils, azuki, soybeans, mung, etc. Red lentils do not require soaking, they can be cooked directly.

Most legumes require about 8 hours of soaking or overnight. So first let the legumes soak for the necessary hours. This has several purposes:

  • Soften the legumes so that they cook well.
  • Improve the bioavailability of nutrients.
  • Discard some of the gaseous compounds.

To cook them in the pressure cooker, you must first cook the legumes until halfway through cooking. So follow these steps:

  1. Once you have put the legumes with water, close and put on a high heat.
  2. When it starts to “beep”, turn it down to medium-low.
  3. Halfway through cooking, turn off the heat. If, for example, the package says 20 minutes to cook, turn it off when it takes 10 minutes.
  4. Remove the pot from the heat and wait for it to warm (when it stops steaming).
  5. Open the pot and add the sauce and vegetables. If necessary, you can remove some of the water when you open the pot (if you see that it will be soupy).

3. Prepare the vegetables for the stew

These are the basic vegetables and their preparation:


  • 2 medium potatoes
  • 2 medium carrots
  • ½ zucchini
  • 1 turnip


  1. Wash and peel the vegetables and cut them into medium dice. You can leave the zucchini unpeeled if you want.
  2. You can stick a couple of cloves in some of the potato pieces to flavor the stew and then be able to remove them easily.
  3. To give the broth more consistency, you can add a few pieces of bread from the previous day at this point. It will be much better if it is whole wheat bread and with seeds. You can also add a splash of wine vinegar, sherry vinegar, or balsamic vinegar.
  4. Once the vegetables and the sauce have been added, close the pot again, put it on the fire, as at the beginning, when it starts to boil, put it on a low heat and leave it for another 10 minutes.
  5. Remove the pot from the heat, let it warm up, open it, taste the stew and add salt to it.
  6. Serve it hot.

You can change the vegetables for others perfectly, for example parsnip, kohlrabi, beetroot (remember that it will dye the whole broth), celeriac, fennel, plantain (yes, I know it’s a fruit), yucca, yam or taro, bamboo, mushrooms shiitake, daikon radish, sweet potato, pumpkin, lotus root, etc.

If you want to add more delicate vegetables or with less cooking time, do it last. When you open the pot, add them and simmer, half covered, until done. It is especially useful if we want some textured chard, cabbage or cooked but crunchy asparagus.

4. Add your favorite ingredients

If we want to take our dish a little further, we can add tofu, tempeh, seitan or any other similar ingredient. For my taste, they are better if we add them to the sauce and let it be done with it before adding them to the pot. So I propose to add these ingredients:

  • Tofu: We can cut hard tofu into cubes, add it with the onion, put the rest of the ingredients and mount the sauce with the tofu. Then it will be added exactly the same, halfway through cooking the legume.
  • Tempeh: I prefer to brown the tempeh separately and add it at the end of cooking the stew.
  • Seitan: Homemade seitan is great whether we do it with the sauce, if we do it separately or if we incorporate it freshly cut when opening the pot.

If we want to get creative with the pottage, we can add 1 teaspoon of miso to the broth, or a cereal that is made in 10 minutes in the pressure cooker, such as brown rice, quinoa, millet, spelled, etc.

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