Overloaded? Hyperactive? 8 Ways To Improve Concentration

Calls, wasaps, music … Every day we are assaulted by multiple stimuli that overload our senses. We can learn to focus
improve attention

The constant interruptions force us to react instead of acting from reflection and our mind gets used to moving quickly from one idea to another, which ends up exhausting us.

How to improve care?

We propose 8 simple strategies to improve attention and concentration. This protects your ability to focus on a single issue for longer.

1. Be aware

You move in a daily life full of “attention thieves”. Be aware of it. And without a minimum of effort and vigilance, your attention span will be reduced.

2. Don’t fall for multitasking

Avoid doing multiple things at the same time. Use the waiting times (at the doctor’s office, in a line) to focus on your body or your breathing, or to look at the sky, instead of making a call, playing with your mobile, writing a wasap or reading.

3. Practice silence

He regularly eats a meal alone, without speaking, without reading, without radio or TV. Let your attention be directed to the food, its appearance, its taste, the room in which you are.

4. Close your eyes

Every time you notice that your mind “shoots up in all directions,” spend thirty seconds sitting with your eyes closed, the time focusing your attention on ten breathing movements.

5. Two hours without interruptions

As far as possible, organize the day so that, for two or three consecutive hours, you are not exposed to digital interruptions (telephone, Internet …). Avoid having music in your ears permanently.

6. A schedule for “thieves”

In activities that require constant attention, do not suffer, but choose yourself the times when there will be interruptions (check e-mails only every hour, leave your seat and loosen up every half hour …).

7. Savor your surroundings

Take time to savor the good times in an “animal” way: in front of a beautiful sky or the song of a bird, instead of quickly moving on to something else after saying “It’s beautiful”, stop to savor it, without words or thoughts.

8. Protective meditation

Regularly practice a meditation technique. It will be an island in your day-to-day life that will help you protect your attention span.

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