The Best Plans For March To Put On Your Agenda

What are your plans for this month? The spring show is about to start, don’t miss it!

The Zen proverb says: “Sitting quietly doing nothing, spring comes and the grass grows by itself.” That is the spirit of the month of March, one of the best months of the year to contemplate the explosion of nature. Relax, take our time to rest, meditate and observe how our environment changes.

Do you want to know what plans we have this month? Do not miss them …

Peach trees in bloom

The flowering of the earliest fruit trees holds one of the most anticipated natural spectacles of the year. With the landscape still wintry or just waking up to spring, the flowers cover the landscape in color and warn us that life is ready to break through.

Shortly after the almond trees, usually in early March, the peach trees bloom. In some areas, such as Cieza (Murcia), around the Segura river, the treetops tint the fields pink and routes are even organized so as not to miss the occasion.

In Calanda (Teruel), flowering comes a little later, in April. Everything is magical, its timing, its brevity, the promise of the aromatic fruits to come.

In Aitona (Lleida) routes are also organized from the beginning of March to see its peach trees in bloom.

The expected cherry blossoms of the Jerte Valley

Nature has the last word every year but towards the end of March the more than one and a half million cherry trees in the Jerte Valley usually begin to open their flowers. They don’t all do it at once. The trees on the lower terraces bloom first and then those that grow at higher altitudes.

The world-famous show runs for 10 days.

Bioculture in A Coruña

BioCultura, the largest fair for organic products and responsible consumption in the state, celebrates its second edition in A Coruña. It will bring together more than 200 exhibitors dedicated to the organic food sectors (with more than 10,000 references), ecological cosmetics, sustainable fashion, healthy home, well-being, eco-lifestyle, responsible tourism, handicrafts and NGOs.

Parallel to the exhibition, more than 150 activities will be held and it is expected to exceed 13,000 visitors.

  • When is it celebrated: from February 28 to March 1
  • Where: ExpoCoruña.

Eco fair opens in Alicante

The city of Alicante opens its own fair for organic products and healthy living. Natural and local products, solutions for people with intolerances, recycling … are some of the axes on which this 1st edition of Ecoalicante will revolve.

  • When it is celebrated: from February 29 to March 1.
  • Where: Institución Ferial Alicantina, Elche.

A day dedicated to marine species

The World Wildlife Day or World Wildlife Day, which promotes United Nations celebrates the biodiversity of the planet this year. Under the slogan “Sustain all life on Earth”, it is emphasized that each and every animal and plant species on the planet is essential for maintaining biodiversity.

This is aligned with objectives 1, 12, 14 and 15 of the Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN, with its commitment to fight poverty, promote the sustainable use of natural resources and halt the loss of biodiversity. land and sea.

  • When it is celebrated: Tuesday, March 3.

Responsible Consumption Week in Barcelona

To commemorate the World Day of Consumers and Responsible Consumption (March 15), the Responsible Consumption Week will be held in Barcelona.

A week during which Barcelona will be filled with activities that promote more conscious and sustainable forms of consumption that are essential to face the climate emergency that we are experiencing. The Commissioner for Social and Solidarity Economy is already working!

  • When to celebrate: it begins on March 13.

The latest research on mindfulness under debate

Seville hosts the I National Congress of Science and Mindfulness, organized by the National Wellness Center in collaboration with several universities. The objective is to present the latest scientific research on the benefits of mindfulness and exchange experiences.

With the participation of more than fifteen researchers and mindfulness instructors, from fields such as biology, psychology, psychopedagogy, sports and clinical medicine. The benefits are used to support the Fibromyalgia Association of Seville.

  • When it is celebrated: from March 14 to 15.
  • Where: in Seville, at the Pablo de Olavide University

Welcome spring

Do you want to celebrate the beginning of spring? The Jardí Botànic de Barcelona will do so with the Planta’t al Botànic activity , an open day full of free activities.

  • When it is celebrated: on March 22nd.
  • Where: Museu de les Ciències Naturals de Barcelona.

One week without pesticides

Spain is the leading European country in the consumption of pesticides, with a continuous annual increase of 5% since 2011. In 2016 alone, more than 76,000 tons of pesticides were sold in our country, which represents 1.65 kg of pesticides per person, according to data from Ecologists in Action. That is why during this week actions are carried out to raise awareness of the importance of reducing its use.

  • When is it celebrated: from March 20 to 30.

Turn off the lights against climate change

Unite your voice with those who fight against climate change in the Earth Hour that WWF summons each year. On March 28 from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., wherever you are, turn off the lights. A simple gesture in which thousands of cities from up to 188 different countries already participate.

Yoga at the Teatre Grec in Barcelona

Every year, with the start of the spring-summer season, this open-air theater in Barcelona hosts a series of Rocket Yoga classes , a variation of the traditional but more dynamic Ashtanga Yoga that has become very popular in recent years. . Tickets cost 10 euros.

  • When to celebrate: it begins on Sunday, March 22.
  • Where: at the Teatre Grec in Barcelona.

Ecological Malaga

After the success of the last edition, the Palacio de Ferias y Congresos de Málaga reopens the doors to Natura Málaga. A fair for healthy and sustainable life in which to discover the latest in food, cosmetics, health, parenting, tourism and the circular economy.

  • When it is celebrated : from Friday 27 to Sunday 29 March.
  • Where : FYCMA – Palace of Fairs and Congresses of Malaga.

Exhibition at La Casa Encendida

Alarming messages reach us about the state of the planet and its future. Every week there is a new ecological catastrophe or a new assault on nature. Comparing the state of the planet in 1970, in 2000 and today illustrates the increasing speed at which the situation is deteriorating. We can ask ourselves: if we continue at this rate, how long does the planet have to be habitable?

This is one of the questions posed by the exhibition Planet Earth: Our Great Challenges.

  • When is it celebrated: the entire month of March and until April 19.
  • Where: La Casa Encendida (Madrid)

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