The Essential Foods Of The 3 Most Natural Diets


How to follow a custom diet

The variety of natural and healthy diets shows that people are free to choose and experiment. A diet can be developed according to individual tastes and needs, taking what is considered most valuable from each model, as well as following it with more or less fidelity. The condition is that it provides all the essential nutrients.

The challenge is to change your own habits. Is it worth doing if we feel good? Even then, it is always possible to improve the balance of the diet in pursuit of greater physical and mental well-being. Not everything is diet. The models themselves show that attitude and environment are decisive when it comes to benefiting from any option.

Go vegetarian

Gradual changes favor a meat-free diet to be built on solid foundations.

1. Alternatives to red meat

The first step consists of abandoning red meats, which are replaced by more portions of legumes, seitan (dough based on wheat gluten with 25% protein) and tofu, while the presence of rice, pasta is slightly increased. , soups, and especially salads and fruits. Substituting meat involves learning attractive recipes with the new ingredients.

2. Leave the poultry and fish

The gaps left by these foods must be filled by learning new legume-based recipes. It is about avoiding any kind of monotony or feeling that something is missing. It is common, for example, to resort to combinations of rice or quinoa – grain with a very complete amino acid profile – with lentils and other legumes, as well as hummus preparations (chickpea and sesame pate), falafels and vegetable burgers.

Discovering new flavors and textures often increases enthusiasm for the new diet.

3. Add some more food

Seeds and nuts, dried fruits, cereals such as millet, barley or oats, forms of wheat such as bulgur and couscous or vegetable milk are foods that improve the obtaining of energy, proteins and fatty acids.

It is also advisable to increase the variety of fruits and vegetables, and select those of the season at all times.

4. Read the ingredients

Foods of animal origin are often found hidden in seemingly vegetarian-friendly products. Some animal ingredients include albumin, the gelatin animals or pork fat in bakery products.

4 talismans of Asia

The flavors of Asian cuisine are accompanied by the healthy qualities of its star foods.

1. Miso with cleansing properties

In Japanese it means “source of flavor”. It is a fermented flavoring paste, made with soybeans, some cereal and salt.

Omnipresent in Japanese cuisine and in macrobiotics, it regenerates the intestinal flora and has remarkable cleansing properties, such as counteracting the effects of environmental toxic agents, including radioactivity. It cannot be boiled so that it does not lose qualities.

2. Algae full of minerals

They represent a nutritional supplement due to the high concentration of all kinds of minerals (calcium, iodine, zinc, chromium, silicon …) and vitamins. In addition, its enzymes facilitate digestion. The most used are nori (for example, to wrap sushi) and kombu (one of the tastiest, combined with legumes and rice).

3. Ginger, protector of health

It gathers culinary and therapeutic properties. In the kitchen, it adds a spicy and lemony aroma to rice stews, sweet and sour sauces, fish recipes, desserts and pastries.

From a health point of view, it promotes digestion and prevents nausea and dizziness. In addition, it reduces blood pressure and the risk of blood clots, and strengthens the immune system against colds and flu.

4. The rediscovery of turmeric

Traditionally used throughout Asia (it is the main ingredient in curries), Western science is confirming its anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.

Studies indicate that it is an effective pain reliever for arthritis and muscle aches. It is also a remedy for liver disorders that helps normalize fat metabolism.

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