Chronic Fatigue Or Fibromyalgia? Differences And Symptoms


Many people wonder about the difference between chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. What points do these two affectations have in common, and what are the differences between the two?

These disorders are very real but very little understood, despite the fact that many people suffer from them. A holistic approach helps sufferers to improve their quality of life.

Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, two similar but not the same disorders

Today we can talk about fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue without hanging the label of hypochondriacal or “lazy” patients, and I speak in female because the predominance of these pathologies, often confused, is 10 to 1 and 3 to 1 in relation to men , respectively. But to tackle them you have to know how to distinguish them. Although they share symptoms, they are often intermingled.

Two different syndromes … but united by fatigue

The chronic joint pain and leg stiffness of chronic fatigue is not like the specific, symmetrical points of fibromyalgia. And digestive, endocrine and hormonal disorders point more to chronic fatigue.


Its name comes from the Latin fiber, for connective tissue, from the Greek mine, muscle, and algia, pain.

It is classified as a rheumatic condition, although there is no joint inflammation, and it is a syndrome with musculoskeletal disorders, persistent pain, variable stiffness in muscles, tendons and surrounding soft tissue, and emotional disorders such as anxiety, depression, irritability or stress.

Some features distinguish it:

  • Aerobic exercise is advisable and feels good: swimming, walking, yoga …
  • There is no joint pain.
  • There is a feeling of general tiredness, but not intense.
  • Its appearance is gradual and with very stable symptoms.

Chronic fatigue

It is classified as a neurological disease, and is characterized by very intense and debilitating physical and mental fatigue with devastating effects on personal life.

It is different from fibromyalgia in that:

  • Aerobic exercise can make it worse. Only gradual and very low intensity stretching can prevent body stiffening.
  • There is joint pain.
  • There are symptoms of edematous or hyperplastic tonsils, or of lymph nodes or swollen lymph nodes.
  • Fatigue prevents you from doing or maintaining activities, even if you feel like it.
  • There may be a fever often, and also a constant feeling of the flu.
  • Its appearance is abrupt and fluctuating.
  • Legs get very stiff.
  • There is cognitive impairment: understanding, memory, concentration …
  • There may be hypersensitivity, even with immune disorders, to drugs, food, noise, light …

How to treat these diseases beyond drugs

Pain relievers and other medications do not cure these diseases. While it is true that they alleviate some of the discomfort associated with them, the way to approach them should be from a holistic point of view.

The body has a powerful capacity for self-healing, but we must help it with the necessary tools to achieve optimal function. It is also important to remember that nourishing and eating are not the same, and that a conscious, simple, ethical and healthy lifestyle must be pursued.

Supplements, nutritional tips, and other remedies

Good supplements against pain:

  • Tryptophan : a dose of 500 mg of this amino acid per day increases the activity of endorphins and helps create serotonin, a substance that mitigates the perception of pain.
  • Black cumin seeds : they are taken in powder, at the rate of a quarter of a teaspoon a day, added, for example, to a soup or vegetable puree. It has a powerful calming effect.
  • Nutritional yeast : not to be confused with beer yeast. One tablespoon a day, sprinkled on your plates. Its B vitamins enhance immunity and relax at the hypothalamic level. beer
  • In synergy : coenzyme Q10, L-carnitine and NADH are used together to improve the symptom picture. Doses are not standard. They must be established by a therapist in each case.

Highly recommended:

  • Black cumin (Nigella sativa) is an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulator.
  • Enhancing the overall balance of the body is essential in both

The diet that helps your body

Raw vegetables

The diet must be fresh and raw in at least 70%, with a lot of green leaves, and always organic. Includes smoothies, green smoothies, sprouts, and sprouts.

Many minerals

Potassium, silicon, selenium, zinc and magnesium are essential in these pathologies. Consume seeds and roots.

Quality greases

Choose first cold pressed vegetable oils such as olive or sesame, and those rich in omega-3s, flax or hemp.


Make sure your diet is rich in vitamins A, C and E including, for example, carrots, citrus or avocado. A very useful antioxidant is pure cocoa.

Avoid gluten and dairy

Avoid wheat and opt for millet, rice, amaranth, teff, sorghum, quinoa, buckwheat … Look for vegetable alternatives to dairy.

What else to avoid?

Soy, foods rich in oxalates (spinach, chard, beets), solanaceae (potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, aubergines), salt, sugar, alcohol, hydrogenated fats and meat are not recommended.

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