Your Voice Is The Orchestra Of Your Heart

The voice is the most powerful tool we have to convey emotions. With her we can communicate in a deeper, more intimate and sincere way.
Voice and heart

Although we put a lot of effort into what we’re going to say, we don’t usually pay as much attention to how we’re going to say it. With what tone. With what pauses. With what intensity. Our voice tells a lot about us, sometimes more than the words themselves.

Emoticon world

We all know what they mean 🙂 🙁 or ;-).

Yes, they are emoticons, symbols that, in a text, emphasize an emotion, hence their name. Today this sequence of keyboard characters can be archaic, accustomed as we are to sophisticated yellow faces, big hearts that even beat, little monkeys that cover their eyes and almost everything we can imagine.

However, the first to understand that 🙂 would help us to influence the necessary tone in a written text was Scott Fahlman. In 1982, this professor at Carnegie Mellon University (USA) noticed the growing number of misunderstandings that occurred when messages were exchanged on electronic panels to discuss, online, certain topics.

By eliminating emotion, we eliminate the essential part of meaning, which is feeling.

These messages, texts without voice, without gestures, without nuances, without, ultimately, soul, advanced the problems that were going to occur in the era of communication.

Do we need emoticons in real life?

The answer is no. We have an infallible tool to convey the feelings that exist behind words, give them soul and communicate from the heart. What is this tool? The voice. And with it the tone, the tonality, the pauses, the intensity, the silences …

The words that we think come out of us wrapped in breath, and thus they undertake the journey towards the other. Our voice can make the words express what we want or, on the contrary, be misinterpreted, or that the meaning is understood but the feeling with which we have made them leave our interior is not understood, causing feelings of loneliness, frustration and isolation.

We will think that nobody understands us when, deep down, we have not explained ourselves well. We have used the correct, precise and well-selected words, but we have not paid attention to our voice.

Voice is like music

As Tracy Goodwin, a coach who specializes in using the voice to connect with others emotionally, says:

“The voice is the orchestra of the heart. It is the instrument that expresses exactly how we feel “

So much so that we can even perceive the feeling without understanding the meaning of a single word.

Let’s think about this scene. We are on the bus and there are two people speaking in a totally foreign language to us. Even so, we will know if they are fighting or talking about something common and inconsequential or if we are witnessing a declaration of love.

Beyond what they are saying, our heart will be able to understand everything that our head cannot reach. As it happens in music. And it is that the voice is music and music is a universal language.

Of the orchestra of the heart, we are the directors. And we can make it sound the way we want it, the way we feel, the way we need it.

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