8 Health Basics To Be Better In The World

To keep the body healthy on the outside and turn it into a good vehicle for the inner Being, these cares are essential. Incorporate them into your life.
Health Tips

There are ways to take care of yourself within our reach and very simple. Too many times we forget about them and that makes us sick or, at the very least, have less energy.

8 essential habits for health

Every day we have the opportunity to improve our health. If you keep these tips in mind and incorporate them into your life, you will be better with yourself and in the world.

1. Connect with nature

If you live in the city, go out in nature at least twice a day.

You can take advantage of it to play sports or simply let the energy of the trees surround you; it is an inexhaustible source of revitalization and regeneration.

2. Move your body to move your mind

Our metabolism, our hormones, our defenses, even our brain, work much better if we give our body movement and oxygenate it: walk, run, breathe vigorously while moving.

Expand your body in all directions.

3. Enjoy getting up early

If we get up early, we can enjoy the beneficial negative ions that permeate the air (what the Ayurveda call prana), the silence, our own inner calm.

An elixir to face renewed the day that begins.

4. Eat what is right for you

Do not forget that we do not all need the same thing, but there are universals: do not abuse sugars, alcohol or stimulants.

Minimize the consumption of meat; alkalize your diet, eat organic and live foods. Eat slowly, chew, and be thankful.

5. Moderate the use of mobile phones and computers

Do it if you don’t want to turn your brain into an ADHD mind and stop being focused on what’s important (your friends, your family).

Not to mention the harmful effect of radiation.

6. Eat dinner early and get plenty of rest

Which is not the same as sleeping long hours. Relax before going to sleep (an infusion, a few breaths, a story, a “thank you for what I learned today”).

Turn off the wifi and put the mobile phone in airplane mode; your melatonin will be able to repair your body better.

7. Don’t over-medicate

Whenever possible, choose natural remedies.

But use common sense.

8. Check the relationship with your body

Ask yourself if you like to hug, if you feel comfortable in physical closeness with others, if you enjoy bodily pleasures.

If you are a mother, are you capable of responding to young children’s demands for arms or are you fleeing from bodily availability?

All these small reactions are linked to the way we live our body, either with fluidity or with distance and pain. If you are more dispossessed of your own body, you will more easily be a victim of social impositions.

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