Guided Meditation To Start The Day With Energy

If you are one of those people who have trouble getting out of bed or finding the vital energy to activate, this guided meditation will help you connect with your natural impulse and start your day with purpose and energy.
Morning energy meditation

Each new day brings with it a million fantastic possibilities, although sometimes our routine blurs our vision in such a way that we are not always able to see them. Starting the day with a meditation can help us start the day with energy.

Start the day focusing your purpose

Why does meditation help? Because it helps us to live in connection with our intention and purpose. If there is something that discourages us from the routine, it is possibly the fact that we tend to lose the sense of purpose in it, or perhaps we have forgotten our fundamental intention.

By fundamental intention I mean that on a large scale for which we chose in its day to commit ourselves to dedicate our vital time to what we are dedicating today. And I also mean the one that, on a small scale, gives direction to your day, to your present moment or to specific situations in your daily life.

Your intentions are those qualities that are really relevant to you and with which you want to give your life meaning.

When you review them, you can tell if the strategies you are carrying out to connect with those qualities in your life are still working for you or not.

To give an example: when you connect with your intention of passion and freedom by having chosen that nomadic job, you can first realize if that job continues to serve those intentions and, secondly, realize if those intentions are still present or if, on the contrary, now your intentions are different. That can help you know if what you choose is correct for you at all times.

In this way, you can make decisions from a place of solidity in you. But this is not the only benefit of living in connection with your intention and purpose: it is also the fact that energy flows where your intention goes, which can help you live your day to day simply and fully, without matter a lot what you do.

Energy flows where the intention goes

“Energy flows where intention goes” says an English saying, announcing to us the fact that we are charging with energy the place where we put our conscious attention and intention.

The intention is full of life and energy, it gives us enthusiasm and direction, it gives us strength and passion. And it does so because it springs directly from our deepest human desires, which in turn are born from our Being. Our intention is, therefore, a direct reflection of our essential needs on an emotional and spiritual level and therefore connecting with them gives meaning to our path, and the direction we take on it.

How to meditate to start the day with energy

I have dedicated this guided meditation to energize you through breathing and visualization and, above all, to connect with an intention that directs your day and keeps you in touch with your Being.

  • Close your eyes and notice how you feel right now. Feel the effect on your body of this restful night, of your dreams. And also feel what it is like to start this new day for you, what is your inner feeling when facing this day. Welcome it with openness, whatever it is and feel it.
  • Now you can cover your left nostril with your hand and begin taking long, deep breaths through your right nostril.
  • Focus all your attention on the air of the inhalation and visualize it as a shimmering light that enters you and expands through your body revitalizing all your cells. Feel the energy that this brings you, and feel the life in your body and each of its parts, feel alive.
  • Visualize that the sun is behind you shining brightly, sending you its strength and its light.
  • Now ask yourself, what is my intention for today? And let your body respond, feeling in it what quality you would like to live today. It can be joy, flow, peace, passion, determination, authenticity … Whatever your quality, today let yourself be flooded by the internal physical sensations that appear in your body when you connect with it.
  • From this quality in you, little by little you can open your eyes, observing what is around you from this place in you.
  • I suggest that you invite this quality to any activity that you do throughout the day, or that you bring awareness to how that quality can already be present in what you are doing, without you having realized it before.

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