“There Is A Correlation Between The Body And The Universe”

Kam Yuen, the creator of the Yuen method based on energetic corrections, proposes an intuitive and direct way to solve pain.

Our body is able to free itself from the programming and behavior patterns that negatively affect our health, relationships or the economy. Although it seems like a concept taken from science fiction, Kam Yuen affirms it and teaches it through the method that bears his name.

Of Chinese origin, born in Hong Kong and immigrated to the United States, where he currently resides, Kam Yuen is a Shaolin Grand Master of Martial Arts, an aerospace engineer and a doctor of Chiropractic and Sports Medicine. He has a resume as extensive and exotic as having been the advisor to David Carradine on the famous television series Kung-Fu, and a therapist for celebrities in film and song.

When I interviewed him, on one of his visits to Madrid and Barcelona, ​​I was surprised to see that he seemed considerably younger than he was, but above all, his ability to get to the core of each person’s problems.

For example, at the end of the interview in a few minutes he made me see that one of my weaknesses, which caused a good part of my vital limitations, lay in not believing myself worthy of certain privileges in life, something that resonated with me especially and motivated me. to turn the page of this belief.

Dr. Kam Yuen, straight to the problem

– What is your therapeutic method based on?
–When someone has a weakness, it affects them to one degree or another. My method is to use logic to ask yourself a question as short and concise as possible and to feel the weaknesses of the person or of yourself with respect to that question. If no weakness is detected, the question is discarded and another is asked, until reaching that question that brings out the vulnerable points in the body, the physical environment, the environment of the person, the mind and the spirit.

–How can this capacity be acquired?
– It is not necessary to have a special condition. It is about putting aside the mind and feeling or perceiving your own weaknesses that cause multiple problems, or the weaknesses of another.

– Do you affirm that your method works at a distance?
–In fact, it is not necessary to interact with the person physically, it can be treated remotely, even by telephone or Internet. Information from our life experiences, at all levels, is contained in our spinal cord. It is to that place that we access to carry out an energetic correction. This is possible from the premise that, before a physical body, our origin is energetic, therefore in the energetic field is where problems are solved.

The objective is to detect the weakness that affects our life experience or that of other people, correct it and thus eliminate what hinders well-being. This facilitates recovery from the ailment. The change is instantaneous.

– What happens once these weaknesses are perceived?
–The person feels a change the moment they receive the correct information to resolve what appear to be disorders in their life. The speed of experiencing change is immediate: a pain subsides or disappears, an emotion loses its strength when remembering it, a relationship problem is observed with neutrality. .. the limits that seemed insurmountable cease to be so. A profound change is experienced that is later reflected in daily life.

“Today we depend a lot on our mental intelligence, but it sabotages us in many ways.”

–Through thought, can you help then?
Yes, but mental thinking and physical intelligence should not be confused. Mental focus is good, but not good enough. Your brain and every cell in your body are intelligent, they have their own intelligence. In today’s world we depend a lot on our mental intelligence, but it sabotages us in many ways. We are living in a dimension of the physical universe. And the universe has physical intelligence, not mental intelligence.

I propose another way of processing information, but we have to experience it to understand it, and not the other way around. That’s why few people get better quickly: they want to understand it before experiencing it, when experience precedes understanding.

A direct way to treat pain

–He is specialized in pain. How would you treat a person with chronic pain?
– I do not treat pain as such: what I do is find the weakness that caused it. Each person has different circumstances from which their pain arises. If you do not use your perception and intuition, you will not access the information to solve it. By the way, the photographer who now portrays us seems like a good example of the chronic pain we are talking about …

Photographer: –Yes, the truth is that I have a serious osteoarthritis problem that causes me a lot of pain…
–Each and every one of us should do this for ourselves and for others, in particular for our family, friends and pets . If you sit across from me in this chair, I can give you my opinion about your pain. it looks good?

Photographer: –Yes, go ahead, please…
–He has severe lumbar pain. And it has five weaknesses: the first comes from the sternum; the second, of the cervical ones; the third, from his right hand; the fourth, from his left foot; the fifth, from his right knee. The problem does not originate where the symptoms are. I am strengthening those five areas starting in the lower back, but I would say that the weakness arises from a misunderstanding of fear.

I want to strengthen you regarding any fear you may have. You can now think of something that scares you. Your life would be easier if you didn’t have this fear. So I will empower you to erase those fears and the burden they place on you. I have to reset his mind so that these fears do not return, and his body so that it does not have those weaknesses, as well as his spirit so that it does not connect with other spirits that have pain. How does your lower back feel now?

Photographer: –The tension that I have since I wake up is more relaxed. I don’t know if it’s suggestion, but I feel less pain.
– I also perceive another weakness that I would like to remove: frustration. He has had great frustrations in his life. I am going to fortify you against those frustrations so that you can erase them.

-He speaks of fear and frustration, but most of the weaknesses in people do not come from there in some way?
–They could come from themselves due to what they have experienced, from environmental influences, from spiritual experiences or past lives, from their descendants, from their husband, wife, brothers, sisters …

– And in a single session can a health problem be solved?
Yes, you can, if that’s what you want. The person can improve what he has. Pain symptoms can be resolved and the body will regenerate.

Find the middle line

–He proposes to remain neutral so that what is outside does not affect us negatively and does not control our destiny. How do you get it?
–Other living beings have neutrality, but the human being does not because he uses his mind too much. Many people try to balance the negative by thinking “positively” but it is more effective for the human being to simply be neutral. Being neutral takes a few seconds, nothing more. For this you have to be strong, get stronger in the middle line.

“The middle line?”
–The middle line is what separates the left side from the right, and the front of the body from the back. You have to achieve balance, centering and stabilization. The middle line gives us this.

– Is it, as in yoga, to perform postures of physical balance?
–No, it is not about practicing yoga asanas. Your physical intelligence has to connect with your middle line. It is a line that is there and it is not about visualizing it, because the visualization process is too slow. You simply have to connect to your midline automatically, the faster the better.

–With quantum physics we begin to be more sensitive to a reality that is not understood, but is intuited. Is that why better therapies like yours are accepted?
–It is true that quantum physics has opened a field to a knowledge that until now was considered magical or was directly discarded, but in the case of this method people would not accept it if it did not obtain results. It’s like using Google to give you answers: if it didn’t provide them, you would stop using it.

– What is your vision of Alzheimer’s disease?
– In a sense I would say that some people have too many things they want to forget. They then exercise for half their lives, forgetting how much a problem it is for them. And at a later stage, with the disease, the mechanisms of forgetting develop even more.

– What is your conception of life and the universe?
–The cosmos is the physical universe, the physical universe is infinite and we are part of it. Many of the teachers of the medicine of the body, mind and spirituality rely largely on what was previously thought and written and do not have the clarity to obtain answers to today’s problems.

It is time for the human being to obtain results every time, because we have a wonderful inner power. You have to recognize this and accept it to feel what is strong and what is weak, the principle of yin and yang, or 0 and 1 if we use the binary language of a computer. In it the actions and experiences of each one’s life are encoded.

–You are a great Shaolin martial arts master, you trained David Carradine for his role as a monk in the Kung-Fu series, you have studied aerospace engineering, chiropractic… What vision have these diverse facets given you?
–We have to maximize our physical potential so that it resonates with the physical universe. While we are alive, our body is more important than the spirit. Often when people focus on the spiritual they lose their physical potential. The biggest lesson I have received is that everything is integrated, there are no separate influences. There is a correlation between the structure of our body and that of the universe.

“We have to maximize our physical potential so that it resonates with the physical universe.”

–He has been a consultant or therapist for many famous people. What did Madonna, Robert de Niro or Chuck Norris find in you?
– Anyone can be successful, but sometimes it is difficult to manage that success, to maintain it. In addition, that certain people have achieved certain recognition does not mean that they are always focused. They also have physical problems or pain. I solve them quickly. I can see them even without being in front of them. We can do it by phone, we use the latest technology.

– How do you see the current moment and how can we overcome the limits that prevent us from being more aware and respectful of ourselves and our environment?
–We are always changing, the universe in turn changes continuously. People have to simplify the logic and rely more on their inner vision, as well as make sure that their logical thinking is well applied.

It’s about finding solutions, and it can be for any aspect of life, like chronic pain for example. And the pain is easy to resolve. It is something very simple. You just have to experiment with how to eradicate it and then put it into practice.

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