6 Essential Care Your Skin Asks For In Winter

Your skin doesn’t have to suffer in the coldest months of the year. Take advantage of this season to learn to pamper her and she will thank you all year long.
Winter skin care

The skin is the largest organ in the body, it separates us from the external environment and maintains body temperature. It is our main defense against pathogenic bacteria and reflects all our emotions.

In order for it to fulfill its important missions, in winter it is necessary to take special care of it, so that we must keep it nourished and hydrated.

Take care of your skin inside and out

The deepest layer of the skin, the hypodermis, is made up of fat cells that are true energy accumulators and protect us from the cold.

When we subject sensitive skin, with a very thin surface layer, to sudden changes in temperature – from 23 ° C indoors to 4 ° C on the street – it tends to become dehydrated and reddened.

These are some of the basic care your skin requires in the coldest months of the year:

1. Avoid temperature contrasts

Heating, dry air, and hot showers make the skin even more dry. We have to protect the areas most exposed to adverse climatic factors, such as cold wind, rain or snow.

The extremely thin and delicate dermis of the lips can crack to form wounds, and the skin on the hands can appear rough and peeling.

To avoid the strong contrast between the temperature at home and outside, do not set the heating to more than 21 ° C at home. In addition to preventing the skin from drying out, you will save energy.

2. Drink lots of water and choose good foods

If to keep the skin nourished and hydrated we have to take care of what we apply externally, it is equally or more important to take care of our diet.

There are foods that negatively affect the skin and that we should avoid. Among them are sausages, grilled meats, highly processed foods, salt, preserves, refined flour, sugary drinks or white sugar itself.

The skin needs water and antioxidants that we find in fresh fruit juices, vegetables such as carrots, celery, green leafy vegetables, sprouts, avocado, nuts and seeds.

Choose foods that are in season. Among the fruits, choose the most antioxidant ones such as blueberries, citrus fruits, apples or pineapple.

The purifying infusions of horsetail, milk thistle and boldo are also recommended .

Fatty acids are essential to maintain the structure and proper functioning of skin cells. We can obtain them from olive oil, avocado, seeds, nuts and whole grains.

3. Use vegetable oils

To take care of your skin, you cannot lack vegetable oils. Choose the one that best suits your skin type according to its nourishing, soothing, protective or moisturizing properties. These four can be of great help:

Sesame oil

Filters solar radiation and warms the skin. Add a few drops to your body cream and apply it every day. You will notice that the skin gains life and elasticity.

Jojoba oil

This liquid wax is very nourishing and emollient. Use it pure and spread it with a gentle massage on the skin of the face every night, after the cleansing ritual.

Wheat germ oil

It is rich in the antioxidant vitamin E. Prepare a soothing mask with equal parts oil, yogurt and oatmeal. Apply it once a week.

Shea butter

Nourishes the driest and most cracked skin due to its highly moisturizing properties. You can apply it pure on heels, elbows and knees with flaky or cracked skin, or as an ingredient in hygiene products and cosmetics.

4. Don’t forget these simple morning and evening routines

It is essential that you maintain a cleaning routine at night with mild products that do not irritate or dry out the skin. Then apply a product rich in vegetable oils such as sesame oil, jojoba oil or argan oil.

Don’t be lazy. It is important to clean your skin well and then apply the nourishing cream or oil.

In the morning, protect the skin with a good moisturizer that prevents water loss. Always leave the house with your facial cream on to protect it, in addition, from environmental aggressions. Preferably use certified organic products.

And do not forget, when necessary, to use a sun protection cream that contains only mineral filters.

It is important to protect the lips from the cold with balms that do not contain petroleum jelly (derived from petroleum), but rather vegetable ingredients related to the skin such as shea or cocoa butter, or avocado and almond oils.

5. Say goodbye to the very hot shower

The ideal temperature is between 35 and 38 ºC : warmer water contributes to drying out the skin.

In general, when showering, avoid gels and shampoos that contain sodium lauryl sulfate because it is irritating.

6. Your lips need you too

Use a coconut or shea butter-based lip balm frequently . It is an essential that you must take with you.

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