5 Exotic Super Soups To Go Around The World

Super complete soups

Pho soups come from Vietnam, but their origin hides a curious history, because they were a local creation that wanted to satisfy, at the same time, the tastes of French settlers and Vietnamese palates.

We can say that they were created by the need to unite different cultures, which is not bad at all.

Thus, since the root of this delicious preparation is the gastronomic fusion of disparate tastes and its origin is the will to unite people from different parts of the world, the best way to publicize pho soups is to offer rich recipes also based on fusion, relying on classic preparations from different countries.

I encourage you to do the same and to cover them with new and surprising flavors. a full plate

The main idea of ​​this dish is to satisfy the nutritional needs of the diner in a fast, simple and delicious way. Soups are always made up of a spicy broth, a carbohydrate, vegetables, leafy greens, and protein.

Quick preparation, nutritious result

The result is a satisfying, nutritious and energetic dish, which can be prepared in a short time (as long as it is not intended to be more complex) and which is very convenient to eat in a bowl, with a spoon and chopsticks.

This whole plate concept is common in many countries ; for example, in Japan, the more than popular ramen is enjoyed, a cult dish for lovers of Asian cuisine. Tournaments are held to choose the best ramen and specialized chefs assure that it has the ability to improve the diner’s mood.

In Europe, there are also elaborations that resemble pho soups , such as the classic Italian ravioli soup or dishes as typical in our kitchen as Catalan escudella or Castilian stew or stew.

Like the European versions, traditional pho soups include products of animal origin, although prepared with vegetables they are not only more ethical dishes, but also more delicious and healthy, and easier to digest.

Here we have replaced the traditional broth with vegetables, spices and legumes or soy derivatives to provide protein.

It is common to serve this type of soup with a sauce or with an accompaniment, which usually provides the dish with both more flavor and greater nutritional richness; we can say that it completes it.

These soups, when well prepared, with their complex simplicity, are a landmark in gastronomy. There is nothing more comforting in the cold months than a hot broth accompanied by something solid and some good vegetables …

Even fermented vegetables, as we have done in a recipe. Foods with live cultures help to digest better and have compounds that favor the protection of the intestines.

You can always have the broth on hand; you just have to be careful, when you cook, to prepare more than necessary that day. Then, you just have to let it cool, uncovered, and once cold, store it up to 7 days in the fridge or 3 months in the freezer. Always available for you to complete as you healthily want.

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